11 Reasons Your College Friends Will Be Your Crew Forever

Friends in college = friends for life.

Friends Forever weheartit

11 reasons to start a group text message thread with the people you spent the best four years (five for some of you, AHEM) of your life. Just kidding. Don't do that. Everyone hates you when you do that. 

But more seriously, we love you, college friends! Here's why:

1. Because she stood guard for like, an an hour and half while you puked up a mixture of Petron and Papa John's pizza at a rando's fraternity house, while simultaneously directing passers-by to the Porta-Potties outside. And when you finally, thankfully finished, they wheel barrow-ed your ass home and never spoke of the "incident" again.



2. HA. JUST KIDDING. That story gets brought up yearly, if not bi-yearly.



3. Because you have a shared "black book" that lists everyone you've ever hooked up with between freshman and senior year. And until those books are burned at the stake or you die (whatever comes first), your friendship is basically a non-option.


4. Four words: That time in Tijuana ...



5. Because you slept through a solid half of Intro to Pysch (seriously, who schedules classes at 8am?) and you're just NOT a morning person, your girlfriend took all the notes for you. Not in exchange for something, just because.


6. Because she sat with you for days (read: months) while you bawled your eyes out over your first real heartbreak. The kind that physically causes your heart to hurt and makes you question whether you will ever get over that invisible, but gut-wrenching, agony.



7. Oh, and the dude who broke your heart? She'll sit with you and critique the sh*t out of his new girlfriend's Facebook photos. Seriously, boo, she has snaggle-tooth, you are WAY hotter.



8. Because neither of you mentions the 10 extra pounds you're sporting by junior year, and if you do, it's to talk about your big plan to go to the rec center later that evening and do an "easy mile" on the treadmill together.


9. Shocker: You do not go to the rec center later that evening.



10. Because f*ck that sorority who didn't take you. They're all b*tches.

11. Because college is when you finally grow the hell up and start showing the first, sprouting signs of the adult woman you'll eventually become. And a big part of the confident, perplex, ridiculously awesome, sort-of grown-up person you are today is because of her. Because of them. Because of your crew.



 Andrea Zimmerman is the editor-at-large at Yourtango. She enjoys reading, traveling, and reading while traveling. She lives in Chicago with her husband and three-legged cat. Follow her @angiecat86 on Instagram.