Mom Confronts Principal After 12-Year-Old Daughter Is Sent Home For Wearing Sweatpants & T-Shirt
She was accused of violating her school's dress code.

A mother named Samantha at Ford Middle School in Tacoma, Washington was called to her daughter’s office in order to pick her up after she allegedly violated the school’s dress code.
Samantha's videos went viral on TikTok in 2021 as uses debated whether she was right to defend her daughter.
Upon Samantha’s arrival, she started to record employees and demand answers as to how her daughter’s attire violated the dress code in absolute shock.
Samantha’s 12-year-old daughter was accused of violating her school's dress code.
“This is what I’m wearing,” Samantha’s 12-year-old daughter says as she walks into the school's administration office. “How?!”
She appears on the camera wearing sweatpants that cover her entire legs and a form-fitting v-neck t-shirt that’s totally inoffensive, and the mother agrees, showing her approval with a small “yeah.”
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A woman in the office called security, likely because Samantha was causing a ruckus, and so she began recording, prompting the woman to tell her she can’t record her.
In a follow-up video, where Samantha confronts the principal of the school, she starts recording again for her “protection,” prompting the principal to claim that her attorney would say she never gave Samantha permission to record.
When she points the camera at the principal, she walks away.
“So you’re taking her education away over her dress code?” Samantha asks after the principal disallows her to rejoin her class.
In subsequent videos, the daughter is disallowed from coming back to the school as Samantha continues to argue for her, recording more videos and getting on the nerves of people who claim they can’t be recorded.
During one video, Samantha and another man who works for the school are joined by a police officer who validates her right to record as she’s recording on public property.
“I thought it was illegal to record people without their permission,” the man claims.
The police officer responds, “Not really.”
The comments were split between defending the school and supporting the mother.
Many forward-thinking people saw no problem with what Samantha’s 12-year-old daughter was wearing and bashed the school for their odd dress code enforcement.
“There's literally nothing wrong with her outfit,” wrote one user.
“She’s wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants. What’s the issue?” wrote another.
Observations that the girl is fully clothed and even looks comfortable continued to make their way around the comments section, but others claimed that the shirt she was wearing was “too small.”
“I see the issue already. her shirt is [too] small,” wrote one user.
“Shirts too small duh,” wrote another.
Immediately, however, people fought back against these people who agreed and defended the school.
“Y’all wanna dress code/comment on girls that are more developed while another girl that’s not as developed is wearing the same thing,” someone said.
People who argued that maybe the dress code actually was broken were proven wrong when Samantha posted the dress code later.
One user proclaimed, “We should be able to wear whatever, taking education away over dress code because of male teachers probably.”
Aside from the surprising amount of people defending the school and its dress code, Samantha received a lot of support for her videos.
Isaac Serna-Diez is an Assistant Editor who focuses on entertainment and news, social justice, and politics. Since graduating from Rutgers University, he spends most of his free time gaming or playing Quadball. Keep up with his rants about current events on his Twitter.