Mom Picking Up From Daycare Early Sees Teacher Stomp & Yell At Her Daughter For Not Laying Down
The teacher was out of line.

Upon picking up her daughter from daycare, a mom was shocked to see how her child's daycare worker was behaving toward her child.
In a TikTok video, Kameron Ruth explained that her "blood was boiling," after she arrived at her daughter's daycare to see the teacher speaking harshly toward the little girl, and trying to intimidate Ruth's daughter to lay back down after getting up during naptime.
Ruth watched as her daughter's daycare worker yelled and stomped her foot at her daughter for not laying down.
In her video, Ruth explained that she had arrived at her daughter's daycare earlier than usual to pick her up.
When she arrived, she noticed that all of the children in the room were sleeping for their naptime, so as to not disturb them, Ruth crept in quietly.
Ruth noticed that the teacher was facing the opposite way, and didn't see her walk into the room.
"I made eye contact with my daughter, she wasn't asleep yet," Ruth said. "She sat up out of her cot because she saw her mom."
The teacher immediately noticed that Ruth's daughter was now sitting up instead of laying down, but didn't see Ruth yet, and began stomping her feet angrily toward the little girl.
"My daughter didn't lay back down because I'm making eye contact with her," she recalled.
Once the teacher realized Ruth's daughter wasn't going to lay back down, she began yelling at the little girl to "lay down," and angrily asked her, "what do you think you are doing?"
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The teacher didn't stop berating the little girl until Ruth made her presence known.
"I was like, 'hey, teacher, I'm right here,'" Ruth continued. "I did not know what to do. My blood started boiling."
Ruth immediately picked her daughter up from the cot and ushered her out of the daycare while the teacher followed behind them and apologized profusely.
After leaving, Ruth quickly emailed the director of the daycare facility and admitted that she will be pulling her daughter out of the daycare.
"I know we all get overwhelmed, but you're a teacher and this is a kid that you're being paid to watch."
In a follow-up video, Ruth shared what happened during the meeting with the daycare's director.
In the second part of her story, Ruth updated viewers on what happened after going in for a meeting with the daycare's director.
She had gone into the meeting with her ex-husband and his wife, along with the assistant director.
"I think the meeting went as well as it could have gone," she said, adding that everyone in the room reviewed the footage of the teacher berating her daughter.
She pointed out that the incident was "worse on video" than how she had described it to everyone in the room during the meeting.
"To see it on video and to see everyone get upset, including the director, to me that was really helpful, and what we're going to choose to do moving forward, and what the daycare is going to choose to do moving forward."
Ruth affirmed that she did end up pulling her daughter out of that daycare, and praised the director for taking her concerns seriously.
"The regional director ended up coming, and it seems like it wasn't swept under the rug," she said.
Nia Tipton is a writer living in Brooklyn. She covers pop culture, social justice issues, and trending topics. Keep up with her on Instagram and Twitter.