How Trump’s Supporters Are Doubling Down After Cassidy Hutchinson’s Bombshell Testimony
The counterattacks have been launched.

On Tuesday, June 28, former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson delivered an explosive testimony against former President Donald Trump and his involvement in the January 6th Capitol insurrection back in 2021.
In her testimony were concerning details of Trump's alleged behavior in the lead-up and on the day of the riots.
The testimony is already being labeled an indictment of the entire Republican party.
But some devoted MAGA supporters still have not relented in their defense of their disgraced leader.
Trump supporters have been defending the former president against Cassidy Hutchinson's claims.
After Hutchinson delivered her devastating testimony, MAGA supporters took to social media immediately to attack either Hutchinson, the left, her testimony, democrats, or anything else under the sun that was in opposition to Trumpism.
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“It’s literally all hearsay evidence,” tweeted the official Twitter of the House Committee on the Judiciary. “What a joke.”
Hearsay Evidence is an often inadmissible form of evidence that is usually delivered as eyewitness testimony.
However, exceptions to the hearsay rule do exist. While some of the claims presented are most certainly hearsay, Hutchinson lays out a clear list of witnesses who relayed claims about Trump's knowledge of the riots and his attempts to attack a security guard.
All prosecutors would have to do is call on these witnesses. Equally, Hutchinson was not testifying in a court of law so hearsay does not apply.
Sources are allegedly ready to dispute Hutchinson's claims.
Perhaps the most shocking claim from Hutchinson was that Trump grabbed the steering wheel of an SUV that was being driven away from the January 6 crowd by a member of the secret service, Bobby Engel.
Hutchinson claims then-Deputy Chief of Staff Tony Ornato relayed the allegation to her.
According to an NBC news correspondent, Peter Alexander, sources close to the Secret Service are allegedly ready to challenge these allegations.
However, other reporters are noting that it seems unlikely no one would have verified Hutchinson's allegations.
“Engel already testified privately to the committee,” responded Palmer Report to Alexander's claims. “They wouldn’t have put Hutchinson out there with that story if Engel had disputed it.”
Fox has called Hutchinson's allegations 'lies.'
In a Fox News segment on the hearing, the testimony was dubbed a “chock-full of lies,” despite her testifying under oath.
They cite posts that Trump wrote on his own social media platform where he claims to “hardly” know who Hutchinson is, and alleges that she’s testifying as revenge for not being selected to work for him in Florida.
These attacks on her character are one of the many ways that Trump supporters continue to defend and support him.
The accusations that Hutchinson is committing perjury by lying under oath are baseless and without proof, but continue to steer the minds of those who were unlikely to waver in the first place, back on track to push for the Trumpist agenda as he prepares for a 2024 presidential run.
Isaac Serna-Diez is an Assistant Editor who focuses on entertainment and news, social justice, and politics. Keep up with his rants about current events on his Twitter.