15 Rare Signs You're In A True Partnership
Because it's better to be partners than just boyfriend and girlfriend.

In its most ideal form, a relationship means that you two have entered a partnership.
A healthy relationship is one in which you are able to work things out between the two of you as a team, even when you don’t agree with one another. It means that you never have to worry about a serious betrayal because you’re both working toward the same goal.
A partnership goes beyond relationship status — one could even say it feels like a higher calling. Are you wondering if you’ve reached a relationship that’s partnership material?
Here are 15 rare signs you're in a true partnership.
1. Commitment isn’t an issue.
You aren’t begging him for a ring. He isn’t begging you to stay with him. You both have an understanding, and it’s one you’re thrilled with. It means you're both on the same page about where you are in your relationship, and that you see a future together.
Without a serious commitment, it’s not a partnership at all.
2. You both have the same goals in mind.
You both want the same things from life, which means there’s no need to bicker over who gets their way. The partnership remains 50/50, and you don't need to spend time arguing over the details.
It’s just understood between the two of you — you both want it, and you both understand that there are no ulterior goals on the table.
3. Things are pretty even between the two of you.
In other words, it isn’t just one person giving and another taking; it’s an even partnership. You know what you’re expected to contribute, and you contribute it.
4. You don’t stonewall, discredit, or deal with one another passive-aggressively.
These behaviors are inherently toxic to relationships, and you just can’t have a real partnership with someone if they do this. Instead, you communicate openly and honestly, and don't lead with criticisms or negativity.
Because if you can’t talk things out or feel safe around your partner, they aren’t your partner.
5. People consider you proof that love really does exist.
Though appearances can fool others, if you genuinely feel happy and content with the way things are, this can be an indicator that you have a serious partnership.
Your friends and family consider your partnership a sign of hope that real love is out there and that you two embody it.
6. You know your partner has your back career-wise, and you have their back.
They’re your biggest cheerleader and will do what it takes to ensure you succeed. They lift you up emotionally and make sure you feel supported as you move through your career plans.
Similarly, you’re in their corner fighting for them, too.
7. At times, you're able to communicate things with just one look.
That’s a sign you really are on the same wavelength. You’re not just lovers — you’re best friends. And it's what makes your partnership strong and true.
Photo: Katerina Holmes / Pexels
8. You don’t have arguments, just discussions.
When you two want to talk things out, emotions don’t go bonkers. There’s no shouting, no screaming, no blowups, and no threats of divorce.
You both work toward an awesome compromise. If you can't compromise, you come up with a way to make it work.
9. You consider him your best friend as well as the love of your life, and vice versa.
You legitimately enjoy his company, even on the roughest of days. When you get home from work, nothing quite beats being with your partner.
Whether it's cooking meals together, going shopping, or just spending the evening plopped on the couch, you know that whatever activity you're doing is that much better when you're together.
10. You know your roles and are both fine with them.
If you aren’t happy with your role in the relationship, it’s not a partnership. Heck, it probably isn’t a good relationship if you feel like you’re constantly doing stuff you don’t want to do.
Instead, you easily adapt to your roles within the partnership, and share those responsibilities evenly.
11. You feel like you can talk to them about anything, even if it would be difficult for most couples to tackle.
It’s not just the two of you gabbing about what’s going on at work or what you just saw on Hulu. When you two are together, you can say anything you want knowing that you won’t be judged for it.
If you bring up a concern, you know they’ll hear you out and work it out with you. You also are fine with returning the favor, because you see the relationship’s worth.
12. Though you know you can always count on one another, you don’t volunteer your love’s services or goods without asking them.
There’s a difference between a partnership and a mutual martyrdom. You actually respect one another enough to realize the difference.
13. You’ve been known to answer their phone for them, and vice versa.
Why? Because you trust each other that much and have nothing to hide.
Though it might seem strange for some couples to do this, your bond is one of trust and honesty. You have no issues sharing your browser history, either!
14. The two of you always have incredible adventures — both in and out of the bedroom.
He’s the James to your Jesse. You’re the Bonnie to his Clyde. You’re partners in crime, and that leads you to amazing adventures and experiences.
You try new things together, encouraging each other along the way. And it doesn't even need to be something spontaneous — even something as mundane as going for a walk around the neighborhood is an adventure for you two.
Photo: Saraí Carrasco / Pexels
15. If soulmates are real, you’re pretty sure you found yours.
Some people search their entire lives for their soulmate, but you're lucky enough to have already found yours. And he’s your partner for life.
Ossiana Tepfenhart is a writer based out of Red Bank, New Jersey whose work has been featured in Yahoo, BRIDES, Your Daily Dish, New Theory Magazine, and others.