Men Who Are Honest & Loyal To A Fault Do These 8 Things, According To Psychology

If these signs sound familiar, a man is true to his word and will never betray you.

Honest, loyal and attentive man. Lia Bekyan | Unsplash

Every woman has a type. Some women like men who are long and lean, while others prefer guys with a bit of muscle on their bones. Some like their guys to be funny and witty, and some look for the quiet and sensitive types. 

The one trait that all women look for, though, is loyalty. Want to know if you are one of the lucky ones who has found a truly loyal guy?

Men who are honest and loyal to a fault do these eight things:

1. He wants to be emotionally intimate, not just physically intimate

couple talking on couch Perfect Wave / Shutterstock

When you're young, you're told that “men only want one thing." That one thing, of course, is intimacy.

This is true for some men, who don't seem to care about the dinner or the movie. They don't put a lot of thought into dates, and you can tell that they're just waiting for the part when you get into bed.

Your man is different. He wants to know about your day. He wants to know what makes you laugh and cry, and he wants to hear all about your childhood.

When other men might tune out when the conversation starts to get real, your man invests fully and enjoys deepening the relationship.

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2. He is genuinely interested in you on all levels

couple talking on couch insta_photos / Shutterstock

Your man does not tune out whenever you start talking about something that doesn't interest him. He listens as much as he talks and is truly interested in what you have to say. He wants to know who you are as a person and how you got to this point in your life.

A man who is genuinely interested in you on all levels will likely demonstrate behaviors like active listening, asking thoughtful questions, remembering details about your life, showing genuine interest in your passions, making efforts to spend time with you, being supportive and encouraging, initiating physical contact appropriately, introducing you to his friends and family, and consistently expressing his feelings and commitment to the relationship. 

He will also respect your boundaries and individuality. A 2023 study by the America Psychological Association explained that behaviors might be more pronounced in the initial stages of attraction while more profound commitment and trust develop over time.

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3. He tells his friends all about you

group of male friends Tint Media / Shutterstock

He loves you so much that he talks to his friends about you all the time. He's probably told them so much that they wonder if he talks about anything else.

And, of course, he introduces you as his girlfriend, not just as his “friend." He is proud that he is dating you, and he wants to brag about it.

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4. He doesn't keep secrets

couple excited in front of computer fizkes / Shutterstock

Your man wants you to know him just as deeply as he wants to know you, so he doesn't hide things. He doesn't close out his email account when you use his computer, and he doesn't mind if you overhear his phone calls. He has nothing to hide, and he wants you to know it.

A man who does not keep secrets in a relationship generally fosters a healthier and more trusting dynamic with his partner. Keeping secrets is strongly linked to lower relationship satisfaction, decreased intimacy, and a lack of authenticity. 

A 2023 study published in Personal Relationships explained that if a person feels the need to keep something private, open communication with their partner about why they are doing so can help mitigate potential adverse effects.

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5. He shows you that you are the only woman for him

couple walking outside AnnaStills / Shutterstock

Any man can pay lip service to loyalty. It's pretty easy for a man to tell you that he isn't interested in any other women, yet still be looking over your shoulder at the blonde at the next table.

Your man notices if another woman is attractive, and he might even point her out to you. But he looks at you differently. His eyes on you make you feel like you're the only woman in the room because, for him, you are.

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6. He makes you a priority

couple laughing outside Twinsterphoto / Shutterstock

Some men say that their romantic relationships are the most important connections in their lives, then turn right around and blow off a date night to hang out with their buddies. Not your guy.

When a man prioritizes you, it signifies a strong emotional connection, a sense of commitment, and a high value placed on your relationship. A 2023 study published in Frontiers in Psychology found this often manifests through making time for you, actively listening to your needs, and supporting your goals.

He would rather be with you than with anyone else, so there's no one he will ditch you for. Also, you're the first one he asks for an opinion if he has a big decision to make. Your thoughts are the ones that count for him.

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7. He takes the time to call or text you, even when he's busy

man texting on phone Miljan Zivkovic / Shutterstock

Your man makes you his priority even when work or other obligations have him on the run. Even on days when he's up against the wall with deadlines, he takes his lunch break to call you and ask how you're doing. Not only are you that important to him, but just hearing your voice helps him to get through the day.

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8. He is genuinely there for you as your equal partner

Man opening oven Magic Lens / Shutterstock

Relationships are all about give-and-take, and your man knows it. Forget about traditional gender roles and stereotypes; your man will gladly don an apron and cook you dinner, and he'll wash up afterward.

A man's presence as an equal partner in a relationship is strongly linked to increased relationship satisfaction for both partners. Key aspects include shared decision-making power, mutual respect, equitable distribution of responsibilities, and active emotional support.

 A 2011 study concluded that these all contribute to a sense of fairness and connection within the partnership. He may even bring you a glass of wine, put on your favorite movie, and watch it with you — and when he says it's his pleasure, he'll mean it.

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