Matchmaker Reveals 5 Rare Ways To Be Simply Irresistible To Men
Heads up: irresistibility is an inside job.

Study after study has shown that the happiest people are those in a loving relationship. So, it makes sense that we crave intimacy and look for a relationship with someone we are attracted to.
Loving relationships require work and effort to maintain, but often they begin with the spark of attraction. You can your future partner find you by making yourself irresistible.
Matchmaker reveals the 5 rare ways to be irresistible to men:
1. Smile, not for them. For you.
The number one thing you must know about how to be irresistible is to use your natural smile. When you are glowing from the inside, it lets people know that you are a happy, healthy woman who brings fun and sunshine to the party.
Check the mirror and study your current photos. Do you look happy, fun to be with, loving, and open-hearted?
Even when you're having a bad day, the practice of smiling will lift your spirits and the spirits of everyone in your path. Today, make it a point to smile 25% more than usual and see how it impacts your self-esteem and perception of the world.
2. Let your beacon of confidence shine.
We're not talking about putting on the stern smile of control we might use when confronted by oppressive behavior.
An irresistible woman exudes confidence from her core as someone who has embraced all she is. She likes herself and doesn't feel the need to be clingy. She's got the confidence to be open-hearted, accessible, warm, and engaging when in conversation.
Being emotionally closed off, fearful, critical, and judgemental are most likely not the attributes you would look for in a partner. The irresistible woman is the one who is fully present, available, and engaged at the moment. You become a bright, shining beacon to anyone who has love to share.
3. Be a mysterious challenge.
Sit tight for a bit after a first meeting or a great first date. Let them wonder. Resist the temptation to shoot off a flirtatious email or text message.
Give them the chance to show their interest in you. To be irresistible, we should always be responsive and flexible while keeping hold of the reins, taking things slowly, and revealing our cards carefully throughout the first few dates.
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4. Leverage the fun factor.
We all have a big kid inside us who loves to have fun.
I asked one of my favorite clients to share the one thing he would recommend to women on how to be irresistible, and he said "If she's not fun to be with, I don't care how gorgeous or smart or accomplished she might be, I'm just not interested..."
5. The bottom line: being irresistible is an inside job.
Happiness, warmth, playfulness, and an open heart that shines through your eyes and your natural inner glow. Practice revealing yourself in this way, and you will get results!
Julie Ferman is a personal matchmaker, consultant, dating coach, media personality, professional speaker, producer of dating industry conferences and events, and blogger. She's been a guest on countless television shows including Good Morning America, The Today Show, Dr. Phil, and Fox News.