3 Subtle Habits To Make Men Instantly Like And Respect You, According To Psychology
What men need from you before they'll fall head-over-boots.

Do you know how to create the kind of intimacy that makes a man fall more deeply in love with you every day? Read on to learn the keys to making him feel you’re the one woman he can truly let himself go with.
To have the relationship you've always wanted, you need to be able to create true intimacy with a man. Intimacy isn't about being physical – it's what happens when two people feel safe enough to reveal themselves emotionally in front of each other. It takes two to create this kind of intimacy.
Here are three subtle habits to make men instantly like and respect you:
1. Create the necessary safety
What makes a man fall for one woman and not another? She's the one who makes him feel accepted for who he is, warts and all. Unless you can create this safety with a man, he will not be able to let his guard down with you...and share the emotional intimacy required for a lasting relationship.
A powerful way to create safety with a man is to withhold judgment and show him tons of appreciation. When you don't judge a man or criticize him, he will feel accepted by you.
He won't feel that you will reject him. As a result, he starts to become more and more comfortable in your presence until he realizes you are the woman he needs in his life.
So, say a man takes you to see a show, and it turns out to be a real downer. Instead of talking about the finer points of the performance, tell him how happy it made you that he made plans with you, and how great it feels simply to spend time with him.
When he feels he can do things right with you, he will feel that you appreciate and accept him for who he is. The more he feels accepted, the more intimacy develops.
2. Be open and vulnerable
Miljan Zivkovic / Shutterstock
Another way to instantly make a man feel safe in your presence, let down his guard, and create emotional intimacy is to allow yourself to be vulnerable first. This means you let him in on your real feelings rather than keeping them bottled up.
Say you're on your first date with him and you’re feeling nervous. Tell him! When you’re not afraid to express how you feel, he will find it endearing and feel it’s also safe for him to tell you what he’s feeling.
Being open and vulnerable with a male partner is crucial for building deep intimacy, trust, and a strong relationship. It allows for authentic connection, emotional expression, and a deeper understanding of each other despite societal pressures that may discourage men from showing vulnerability.
2020 research from The International Journal of Philosophical Studies showed that when men share their feelings and insecurities, it can foster greater closeness and resilience within the partnership.
When you speak from your heart, you do something very powerful: you are unleashing your inner Siren – the mesmerizing, feminine part that makes a man fall in love. And when that happens, you’re opening the door for more intimacy than you've ever imagined.
3. Let go of the need to control
Real intimacy isn't forced or planned. It's what happens when you let go of the need to know where things are going and instead allow a relationship to unfold naturally. Let yourself be surprised.
Letting go of the need to control a male partner is crucial for healthy relationships, as it promotes trust, intimacy, and overall satisfaction. Excessive control can lead to conflict, resentment, and damage to the bond between partners. A 2022 study published in Current and Future Trends in Personality Psychology points to the negative impacts of controlling behaviors on both the controlling partner and the partner being controlled, highlighting the importance of fostering autonomy and mutual respect within a relationship.
The next time you go on a date, curb your tendency to predict what will become of you and this new man. Be fully present in the moment; otherwise, you are missing a chance to build the kinds of moments that will make him crave being with you. Being fully present in the moment also lets you be more in touch with your feelings and express them to him. He’ll sense that you trust him enough to let things unfold, and he will feel almost compelled to come closer to you.
The intimacy — and relationship — you've always wanted is possible when you make a man feel safe and speak directly from your heart. It's a magical way to forge a connection so deep and lasting with him, that he won't ever want to let you go.
Rori Raye is a trained relationship coach, and a former crisis counselor, and has helped thousands of women succeed in love.