Yes, I'm Getting Divorced And No, I Don't Need Your Pity
Divorce doesn't have to be a bad thing.

When I finally told my family, friends, and acquaintances that I was going through a divorce, almost everyone responded by saying how sorry they were — and I have to admit that my immediate reaction to that was less than stellar. I was secretly offended and pretty ticked off.
Why should they be sorry about my divorce? The majority of these people didn't know why I was getting divorced and they didn't bother asking. Very few of them actually raised their hand to ask how they could help. Interestingly enough, some people who found out about my divorce without having had a conversation with me avoided me entirely.
There are still "friends" of mine who, well after my divorce has been finalized, haven't asked about my emotions or how I'm doing now that it's over. It seems my experience is not unique. Through my separation and divorce coaching practice where I offer divorce advice, I hear similar stories from my clients about friends that quietly disappear once the subject of divorce is on the table. So clearly, this phenomenon is larger than just me and my own saboteurs who want me to take this personally. So what is really going on here? My personal theory is that everyone has saboteurs who feed us negative assumptions and perceptions about divorce.
What people think about divorce are common misconceptions that shake our confidence:
1. Divorce is failure.
In the U.S., marriage is an integral part of the "American Dream." Regardless of the reality that 40 to 50 percent of first marriages in the U.S. end in divorce, it's a subject that most people don't want to talk about (unless, of course, you are a divorce attorney). The idealization of marriage in this country has led to an unconscious perception that divorce equals failure — and no one wants to be associated with failure. When people say, "I'm sorry you're getting divorced," it can easily be interpreted as, "I'm sorry you failed at your marriage." I'm sure that that interpretation is not truly what is meant, but when you are in the throes of a divorce with your saboteurs running wild, it can sure feel that way.
2. Divorce is bad.
Another assumption that people tend to have is that divorce is bad. This is a huge generalization, but most people still think of divorce as two fighting parents who battle it out in court and scar their children for life. Just watch Kramer vs. Kramer once and you'll know what I mean. People don't want to get involved in what they think will be a long, drawn-out emotional battle. They assume that the outcome of divorce will be bad for everyone concerned and they don't want to be caught in the cross-fire. And, of course, the media doesn't help since you hardly hear stories about the benefits of divorce.
3. Divorce is scary.
Based on these negative perceptions of divorce, most people find the idea of divorce personally frightening. They already associate divorce with being bad and being a failure. So what does that mean if it happens to them? When confronted with divorce, their saboteurs come out to poke at all the things that aren't working in their own marriage. Fear and insecurity about themselves make it too difficult to be around someone getting divorced. It is too close. People are afraid of what they don't really know. Since they don't really know about divorce, they avoid it... and you.
Let's shift the perspective. Divorce is not a failure. Divorce is not bad. Divorce might be unpleasant, but it doesn't have to be scary. There is no shame here. Divorce is just a reality when two people decide to walk down different paths. It doesn't have to be the horror story people paint in their minds. In today's world, far fewer divorces actually go to trial due to mediation and collaborative law. In the case of mediation, divorcing couples work with a mediator to craft a separation agreement. If they can't come to an agreement, then they can both hire divorce attorneys as a second step to help with the negotiation.
With collaborative law, divorcing couples make a commitment not to go to trial from the very beginning. They work with a mediator and professional therapists or coaches for as long as it takes to arrive at a final agreement. The trend these days is to avoid the excessive time, money, and stress associated with a trial as much as possible. I'm not saying it's a picnic, but it's far better than it used to be. As a result, couples going through a divorce are far better at co-parenting and creating stable family structures than ever before. Who knew, right?
We must shift our perspective and work to remove the negative connotations associated with divorce.
Why should two people stay together when they are miserable? Why should two people stay together when they could lead better, more fulfilling lives separately? Divorce is an opportunity to reinvent your future and happiness. Divorce can motivate personal growth and empowerment. And if you're a parent, you can have a better, more honest relationship with your children if you are actually happy with your life. We are not defined by our past, and as a society, we need to let go of past perceptions about divorce that no longer serve us. Clearly, divorce needs a PR makeover. Let's start giving it one today.
Laura Miolla is the founder and CEO of Smart Divorce Strategy, is a Professional Certified Coach (CPCC and PCC), Mediator, and Parentology Coach. She's a contributor to Thought Catalog, Medium, Huffington Post, Babble, Parents Magazine, among many others.