7 Small Dietary Shifts That Will Dramatically Reduce Your Anxiety
Set up a diet that will help you relax.

I’d struggled with anxiety for a large chunk of my life, but it wasn’t until I made specific dietary changes that I saw a notable deduction in my experience of anxiety physically. You can yell positive affirmations in the mirror until you’re blue in the face, but you won’t see real change until you address what’s happening at the level of the body. We’re more depressed and anxious than ever, yet we still fill ourselves with socially acceptable drugs and stimulants that worsen our anxiety.
If you struggle with anxiety, much of it can be addressed via dietary changes. We must note that anxiety has become normalized in society. Feeling anxiety is not normal. If a tiger is chasing you, fine. But we shouldn’t be feeling unnecessarily stressed and anxious all the time. Anxiety can always be seen as a sign telling you that something is off balance.
Here are 7 dietary shifts that will dramatically reduce your anxiety:
1. Caffeine
2. Smoking
3. Drugs
4. Wheat
5. Alcohol
6. Processed food
7. Refined sugar
You may laugh at the inclusion of drugs here, but you could define all of these as a form of a drug. They are certainly all stimulants. Some people are less sensitive to others and may find some of these far-fetched. That’s fine, but that’s their experience. I have seen strong reactions to all of the above, and life is simply 10 times better when I reduce them significantly.
Through years of self-study, one common element that ties many of these stimulants together is that they are all mood disruptors. For example, their effect on raising and crashing sugar levels ensures mood is rarely stable. This encourages a stressed, adrenalized physical state, which is why we can experience anxiety or other negative mood experiences, not calm, from these inputs (certainly after the initial high subsides).
Do note that most of these come with potential withdrawal effects that make quitting hard. You must learn about what withdrawals to expect and hold fast. But doesn’t that make you think? Anything that gives you withdrawal when cutting them out — surely that means it can’t be good for you? I know what you’re thinking. If I quit all these, what’s left? What joy is there? Well, consider this:
- Life is simpler with fewer required decisions to make.
- You spend less money.
- You slow the aging process.
- You optimize your health and well-being today.
- You avoid and even eradicate diseases.
- You will ultimately be more energized and more productive.
- Your relationships will improve (with the right people).
- Your confidence will skyrocket.
And finally: Is life better with these short-term pleasures and looking "normal" around others, or is a life with significantly less anxiety the natural high? This is the trade-off, and it’s one I consider all the time when faced with temptation.
I may get a high from a jam donut, but think of the feeling of calm, increased performance, and self-satisfaction I gain when I can say no. What’s possible for you with the inevitable fearlessness that arises in you when you are intentional with what substances you take in? Think of all the long-term benefits of quitting and reducing. What is your anxiety costing you yearly, monthly, or daily? Be bold, be different, and live well.
Alex Mathers is a writer and coach who helps you build a money-making personal brand with your knowledge and skills while staying mentally resilient.