How To Know Holistic Energy Healing Is Right For You

Consider what others are doing if you're wondering when to explore holistic energy healing.

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When is it time to explore holistic energy healing?

A look at the common reasons why people seek holistic energy healing can help you make a decision about it for yourself. However, in reality, only you can say when it's appropriate for you to explore holistic energy healing.

First things first, what is meant by "healing," "holistic," and "holistic energy healing?"

Once you create a common understanding of these terms, you can explore the reasons why others turn to this type of healing with an aim to help you clarify the decision for yourself.


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What is holistic energy healing?

Standard definitions of healing have something to do with restoring health, physical healing, treatments to address conditions or illness, etc.

In contrast, energy healers take a more expansive view.

Healing re-balances a person physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and energetically.

In fact, many alternative practitioners adhere to the idea that the clients (patients) heal themselves and, ultimately, all healing is self-healing.


In addition, holistic practitioners help their clients address mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic issues. It's all healing.

The term "holistic" could be taken in two ways.

First, a holistic modality treats the whole person as compared to conventional medicine, which targets a particular condition or part of the body.

Second, "holistic" implies an essential element of synergy across one or more modalities.

In other words, a holistic modality complements and can even reinforce other forms of healing, including but not limited to conventional medicine.

Most forms of energy healing do both.

Holistic energy healing modalities.

Briefly, holistic energy healing can refer to a wide range of mind-body-spirit healing practices that focus on the body’s life force and subtle energy systems.


This includes chakras, meridians, and your aura — and how they relate to the human body, health, well-being, and spirituality.

Common forms of holistic energy healing include acupuncture, Qi Gong, and Reiki.

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Why do people seek energy healing?

The many reasons can be grouped into several broad categories.

Perhaps one or more of these reasons underpins your interest in exploring holistic energy healing:

Your current treatments are not working, are too harsh, or are incomplete.

You want to reduce your dependence on prescribed drugs.

You want to work on your whole self in an integrated way.


You have a sense that something is off, but neither you nor conventional medicine can determine what it is.

Your primary concern or an underlying cause of imbalance is confusion associated with your aspirations, meaning, and personal vision.

You want to develop a connection and communicate with your body, embodied experiences, and subtle energy. The more a person works with subtle messages, the louder and clearer the messages become.

You want to be more in tune with yourself or your higher self.


You desire to develop your spirituality.

So, when should you explore holistic energy healing?

You need not wait until nothing else works to learn more about energy healing.

Holistic energy healing does no harm, combines well with, often reinforces other forms of healing, and can be added to any healing regimen.

In fact, it's not advised that you terminate other medical treatments without consulting your doctor. In sum, look into holistic energy healing whenever you have the urge or the interest to do so.

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Patricia Bonnard, Ph.D., ACC is a certified International Coaching Federation (ICF) leadership coach and a certified Martha Beck life coach. For more information, contact her or visit her website.
