4 Subtle Ways To Magnetically Draw A Man To You

The art of catching, and keeping, a man's eye.

Last updated on Jul 18, 2024

Woman calls out in a subtle way to attract men to her. LuckyImages, Miratsu sholicha | Canva

If you want to learn how to get a man's attention, you need to start by knowing how to be attractive in a way that will stimulate both his body and his mind.

Here are 4 subtle ways to magnetically draw a man to you:

1. Talk the talk

Many people come to me wanting to know how to talk to men. Using over-the-top talk won't get you very far. A better way is to subtly hint at what you're thinking or what you're planning for later. These examples will give you an idea of exactly what I mean:

  • "Seeing you in that shirt is making me wish all these other people weren't here." (Giving him a cheeky smile when you say this is going to make it far more powerful!)
  • "Can't wait to see you later. I'm going to do something I think you'll like." (This is perfect for a text message.)
  • "If we were alone right now, we'd be having a lot more fun!"

Notice how they don't seem overtly wild? The purpose is to keep him thinking about you for hours and hours, where he's trying to figure out what you mean and what surprises you may have in store for him.


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2. Use body language

One of the easiest ways to catch a guy's eye is to make a few simple changes to how you move. The easiest thing that you can do with your body language is simply change the way you move. Slowing your movements down when you're talking to your man is the simplest and easiest way to change things up. Another way is by accentuating your movements so your man can see all of your best assets.

subtle ways turn guy on Pexels / KoolShooters


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3. Create tension

There is a massive difference between being physical with your man and building tension with your man. If I were to give you only one choice of how to act around your man, choose to build tension every time. It's incredibly effective at slowly building up to a greater moment later. Being overtly flirty may turn him on at the moment, but it's not going to keep him thinking about you.

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4. Keep a few quick tips in your back pocket

Now that I have gone through four of the key tactics to know when learning how to catch a man's attention, I want to give you some very specific things that you can do to draw him to you when he least expects it:

  • The next time you're sitting together in a restaurant or even at a concert/event or on the couch, try resting your hand on your man's leg. Just do it and don't say a word
  • Send your man text messages that build tension hours before you see him
  • Perform random intimate acts. Once every two weeks or so, try doing something intimate for your man when he's not expecting it, like kissing him, sneaking into the shower with him, or giving him a massage

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Sean Jameson is a writer, relationship expert, and creator of the Bad Girl's Bible.
