8 Ways To Stop Living In The Past So You Can Finally Move On With Your Life

Leave that mistake behind you.

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We all make mistakes, but it's important to learn how to move on from them.

Living in the past and ruminating on guilt will get you nowhere. 

It's vital that we learn how to move on and move forward afterward.

RELATED: 5 Steps To Help You Move On If You Can't Let Go Of The Past

We are here to make mistakes so we can learn life lessons and grow.

Mistakes are a very important part of our growth. Every mistake helps us to learn and experience ourselves better.


We have all made every mistake there is to make in our many lives.

Without mistakes and setbacks, we could never fully learn.

So, appreciate every mistake for the growth you get from it. If you want to leave that mistake in the past, moving on is the key.

Here are 8 ways to move on, stop living in the past, and ditch the ruminating over guilt so you can move forward after making mistakes.

1. Forgive yourself.

This is very important. If you don't forgive yourself, moving forward is impossible.

If you can't move forward, you will be stuck and more likely to make more mistakes. It becomes a vicious cycle.


2. Learn and figure out how you can prevent yourself from repeating it in the future

There is a lesson in every mistake. If you don't look deep and find that lesson, it's guaranteed to be repeated in your life again and again until you do.

Each time, the lesson will get stronger which means it's harder on you. Save yourself the trouble and start to look for the lesson the first time.

3. Don't stay stuck ruminating over the guilt

Guilt only causes you to attract more situations of guilt and holds you back.

Know there are limitless opportunities for us and that one mistake doesn't mean we lose out on everything in the future.

4. Make changes

If we do the same things we will always get the same results. Make changes to create a better situation for yourself going forward.


Use that mistake to propel you into creating better circumstances for yourself.

RELATED: 6 Signs You’re Stuck In The Past (And How To Finally Move Forward)

5. Focus on what you do want going forward, not on what you think you messed up in the past

Focusing on the past causes depression. Focus on right now and what actions you can take to make things better.

That mistake is done and over so only focus on what you can control right now and going forward.

6. Hone in on and trust your instincts

Before you made that mistake, did you have a feeling in your gut? A lot of mistakes are made because people don't listen to their gut.

If you look back you can see that before you made mistakes, you had that gut feeling first but you ignored it or didn't trust it.


The more you listen to your gut, the stronger it becomes and the better you can recognize it.

So, moving forward, really start paying attention to that so in the future it is clear and you listen to that warning.

7. Know that no mistake is too big to move forward from

Even those who have made the worst mistakes there are can move forward in some way. Don't beat yourself up.

There are people in prison for murder who have turned their lives around and have given back and made profound differences in others' lives all from a prison cell.

There is always a way to move forward and do better from here on out.

Let that mistake be a catalyst for great things, not something that stops you from moving forward.


The most important thing is that you make the most of it going forward.

8. Be thankful for that mistake and don't let it define you

Let it refine you, instead! Take it as a blessing that you now know it was a mistake and you won't make that mistake again.

Now, start focusing on what you can do from here forward. Letting a mistake stop you from moving forward is just another mistake.

Focus on the great changes you can make and keep going forward with what you have learned.

RELATED: 15 Beautiful Ways To Reclaim Your Life When You're Broken

Kristine is a psychic medium, advanced soul realignment practitioner, and author. If you would like a private email reading to get some answers and guidance moving forward you can get one on her website.
