The Secret About Money That Will Change Your Life

Money is an act of love.

Last updated on Jul 10, 2024

happy woman with money and piggy bank | Shutterstock / LiuNian, pepifoto, SCR3AMFR3AK | Canva Pro

On the way home from power yoga, there was a man with a sign, asking for monetary help. Whenever I see someone asking for money, I always give. The giving is not out of sympathy or feeling sorry for the person. I see everyone equally powerful and entitled to their expression.  If I come across someone seeking help, that means that that experience is in my consciousness; therefore, it is my creation.  I always give $1 to $5. 


When I reached into my purse to get some money for this young man, it quickly became apparent that I only had a $20 bill. That seemed like a lot to give, but I couldn't imagine driving away and not giving something – it was $20 or nothing. I gave the $20 It was a clear gift. I let go and I gave — no expectation, no judgment, no rationalizing that it will come back. Just clean and clear. 

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As I drove away, I felt quite good about the giving, but I thought about my initial hesitation. Why was it so hard to give $20?  It's so easy for me to give of my time and energy, so why was this challenging? When I give of my time and energy, it is a way in which I express love — so it just flows. Suddenly, it occurred to me.  I didn't associate money with love. I didn't think of money as an expression of love and appreciation. It was more of a means to an end. I want or need something so I give money in exchange for it.  It was clinical and mechanical. At that moment, I got it!


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I realized that the highest and most Divine purpose of money is to express love, gratitude, and appreciation. This man was asking for help, and I felt inspired to help, but what was happening was that he was telling me how to love him and I showed my love by giving what he needed. He needed love via money and I gave it. That's why it felt so great. When you are homeless and hungry, twenty dollars worth of love is a lot more meaningful and powerful than $1.

The Secret About Money That Will Change Your Life Pexels / Timur Weber


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I started thinking about everything in my life that I pay for — from my home to the food I feed my kids. I love my kids and I love my home and when I pay money to house and feed, I am expressing love.

I am paying attention with love in the form of money. That is the only thing that is happening. Money is simply a means of expressing love. From this moment on, every opportunity that I have to give money or pay with money will be intentionally laced and graced with unconditional love, gratitude, and appreciation.  Here, I thought I was the one giving, but I received a great deal more than I gave. As it always is.

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Nanice Ellis is a Master NLP Practitioner, Theta Healer, and Transpersonal Life Coach.