4 Things You Probably Believe About Gay Sex That Are SO Very Wrong
So long, stupid stereotypes!

When it comes to gay sex, there are a lot of misconceptions among the heterosexual community. How do lesbians have sex, anyway? Are all gay men promiscuous?
All people, gay and straight, have standards when it comes to their sex lives; some are obvious, and some may surprise you. Let's take a peek inside the world of gay sex and determine, once and for all, which rumors are true and which are simply bogus.
1. Gays and lesbians are promiscuous.
Just because we enjoy sex with a person who has the same body parts as us doesn't mean we're loose, easy, want to have sex with straight people, or cheat on our partners any more than straight people. In a study done by online dating site OkCupid, gay and lesbian individuals reported having had an average of six sexual partners.
That debunks the notion that gay men are having so much sex they barely have time to pull their pants up. It also says that, as a whole, we're remarkably the same as heterosexuals about our sexual appetites.
2. Gays and lesbians chase straight people for sex.
First off, most straight guys are decidedly not that attractive to either gay men or lesbians. And most lesbians will tell you that your very heterosexual girlfriend is not that much of a turn on, either. Lesbians love our toaster gift joke, and we pull it out whenever a woman is coming out, especially if she's a late bloomer to the lesbian scene.
We appreciate that Ellen DeGegeneres created that myth for us (the joke being that if you convert someone to being lesbian, you win a toaster oven!), but we aren't chasing after your straight girlfriend or boyfriend.
Gays and lesbians aren't trying to convert you to our way of life. You see, we do understand that sexual orientation isn't something we chose; it's part of our human experience, just like someone being heterosexual. We're happy to let folks be heterosexual while we enjoy our own homosexual lives.
This myth is like saying that straight people want to have sex with anyone that is straight. Yuck! Finding someone who you're attracted to and that you get along with well enough to have a long-term relationship is as difficult for gays and lesbians as it is for straight folk. Why on earth would we force ourselves to have sex with someone we're not attracted to?
3. Lesbians want to sleep with your girlfriend while you watch.
Nope, wrong again! That's a straight guy's fantasy and has nothing to do with any fantasy a lesbian has. This fantasy gives bi-sexual women a bad rep in the lesbian world. OkCupid's data tells us this isn't happening, either.
First off, 25 percent of straight people with profiles on OkCupid have had sex with someone who's gay or lesbian. That's a lot of straight folks having sex with gays and lesbians. It seems that heterosexual women are very interested in same-sex encounters; perhaps this comes from the threesome fantasy many of their boyfriends have.
Thirty-three percent of straight women reported they had a same-sex encounter and another 18 percent say they'd like the chance to have sex with a woman. For men, it's 13 percent who say they're interested in a same-sex encounter. So what about all these suddenly bisexual people?
4. Bisexuals have sex with everyone.
Nope. Not true. Bisexuals consistently seek out one gender for relationships. Thanks again to OkCupid for this data. Thirty-six percent of bisexuals send messages only to women while 41 percent send messages only to men. And finally, only 23 percent of bisexuals send messages to both sexes.
Oops! Are bisexuals confused about their sexual orientation? Perhaps. The data showed that younger individuals are more open to both sexes, but as individuals move into their 30s, they pick one gender over the other. Most people identifying as bisexual are seeking relationships consistently with one gender, not both.
For the straight male world, what we see is that only one in four women want both men and women at the same time, so that threesome fantasy is probably going to stay a fantasy.