6 Sexy Ways To Make A First Impression He'll Never Forget

Look your best to impress.

Woman learns how to make a confident first impression. Los Muertos Crew | Canva

You know the saying: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. These words speak volumes and are true. Be it a business or social situation, we are judged by the way we look in the blink of an eye ... well, actually less than seven seconds, which is not much time at all, and certainly not enough time for our marvelous qualities to shine through. You can look fabulous no matter your shape, size, or budget by wearing clothing that fits and flatters you, is classic and is well put together. Follow these six tips to make a strong first impression.


Here are 6 sexy ways to make a first impression he'll never forget:

1. Prepare your outfit

Just a bit of thought and preparation helps. Know the event and type of clothes you are expected to wear. Formal? Semi-formal? Upscale casual? This is the time to conform. Look in the mirror and make sure everything fits properly. Clothes too big? Too tight? Go for the right fit.

RELATED: 3 Things To Do For A Killer First Impression, According To Science

2. Think head to toe

From hair to footwear, you're all in one package. Yes, like it or not, shoes are as critical as grooming

How To Make A Confident First Impression Pexels / Kahli Brown


3. Wear accessories

Watches, rings, scarves, and earrings all matter and lend an air of success and power to your first impression. Match your natural style with your accessories. 

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4. Bring an appropriate handbag

A wallet bulging with receipts is a first-impression killer. If you're at a cocktail party, be sure you don't have to juggle an awkward 'suitcase size' handbag with your martini.

How To Make A Confident First Impression Pexels / Cats Coming


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5. Update your hair and makeup

Daytime and nighttime makeup is not the same. White teeth say that you care about your best accessory: your smile. Details matter. Watch out for too much perfume and cologne. You want to be remembered for your charming personality, not your scent.

6. Keep it chic

Watch out for fashion missteps. A good first impression makes everything else you need to accomplish easier.


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Lori Ann Robinson is a fashion and beauty consultant, a professional speaker, and four-time Emmy-nominated costume designer. Her expert advice has appeared in local and national publications, including Men’s Health, Los Angeles Times, Huffington Post, the Chicago Tribune, and more.
