10 Ways To Take Better Care Of Yourself While You're Single
A lot of people feel guilty when they put themselves first.

If you're single and looking to learn how to take care of yourself and be happier, there are a few self care ideas and tips that can help.
Self-care is the beginning of learning how to be happy with your life, even when you're single.
When you think of self-care, you may think of getting a massage or a mani-pedi. That's alright because there's nothing wrong with getting those things.
But, learning how to take care of yourself means learning how to take care of your mind, body, and soul.
Being single means you have more time for yourself and you should use this to your advantage. A happy life is only a few steps away.
Taking time out when you need it is the core of self-care. In today's world, everyone is busy. You are driven to work more and do more.
If you keep up at this pace, you will end up feeling depleted and empty inside. So, take better care of yourself, now.
Unfortunately, practicing self-care isn't always easy. Many people feel guilty when they put themselves first, even if this means they are exhausted. This means that you are going to burn out, which can lead to many other problems.
Burnout and stress put both your emotional and physical health at risk. But, unfortunately, it's not until one of those is at risk when people begin to do something
So, in order to be happier when you're single, here are 10 self-care tips that will help you better take care of yourself.
1. Exercise daily
Many people neglect this one. Exercise helps you physically and mentally. A lot of people know this, but this is often the first one you remove from your calendar.
If you can't get to the gym every day, then go for a walk. If you can get fresh air, even better. Try a yoga class, which incorporates both mind and body. Start making time for exercise, you won't regret it.
2. Eat nutritious foods for self-care
The food you eat can keep your mind alert. Not to mention, it's good for your body.
Eat more fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Stick with a low carbohydrate diet. You don't want to eat high sugar snacks or food that will weigh you down.
3. Take a self-care trip
Getting away for a weekend can help you disconnect and relax, even if you aren't feeling particularly stressed out.
Make sure you spend within your means. It doesn't feel good to get back and realize you have a bunch of debt from your weekend getaway. Visiting with family or going camping can help cut costs.
4. Take time to go outside
Getting outside can help lower your blood pressure, reduce stress and help you be more mindful. If you go for a walk, slow down. Actually feel your feet hit the ground.
If there are trees or flowers around, stop and look at them. Notice any small details they may have.
Going outside can also help you sleep better at night.
5. Let a pet help you
Your pet will give you unconditional love. Make sure you spend quality time with your pet. Hug them and enjoy spending time with them.
Pets have actually been known to help decrease depression and help with the symptoms of PTSD.
6. Get organized
This means organizing the space you live in. You want to be able to find your keys and wallet easily. You don't want to have a lot of clutter around. You will feel weighed down.
When you bring new things in, clear old things out. This is good for your mind.
7. Make sleep a priority
Many people cut this one a lot. When you don't get enough sleep, you are more forgetful, which makes it harder to focus.
Start by taking a close look at your nighttime routine. Are you drinking a lot of liquid before bed? Are you drinking caffeinated drinks or eating high sugar snacks? How about electronic gadgets? These need to be shut down an hour before bed.
Make sure your room is dark, and that you have darkening curtains over the windows. This way you won't be awoken by the early morning sun.
8. Plan regular self-care time
This may sound impossible right now. If that's the case, then start small. You can schedule 10 minutes for yourself in the morning.
Play with your pet or sit down and drink a cup of coffee while writing in your journal. Spend time with friends watching a movie or a comedy. Just take time for yourself regularly.
9. Set boundaries and say "no" to others
This means stop saying "yes" when you mean "no". This can be really hard for some people. You may feel like you are letting others down.
The truth of the matter that is you are letting others down. But, if you don't start saying no today you will end up feeling resentful and burnt out. It may take a little practice, but after a while, it will feel natural.
10. Stay engaged in your self-care plan
There are many ways you can stay engaged in your self-care plan. Begin by making your self-care plan a priority. Have a friend or family member keep you accountable. You can also read about self-care ideas and strategies.
When you start your self-care plan, you are starting your happiness journey. Right now, self-care may seem like a new concept to you. This is something you can learn.
How did you learn to bake your first cake? You read a recipe. How did you learn to solve a math problem? You took a math class.
A self-care plan uses the same logic and it's something you can learn and get better at over time.
Lianne Avila is a Marriage & Family Therapist helping people in San Mateo, CA who are looking to create a life that is happier and more fulfilling. Please subscribe to Lianne’s newsletter on Lessons for Love to learn more about her services and expertise.