Love, Self

3 Keys To Mindfulness In Love Every Guy Should Follow For A Healthy Relationship That Lasts

Photo: Austin Distel/unsplash
3 Keys To Mindfulness In Love Every Guy Should Follow For A Healthy Relationship That Lasts

Mindfulness can be a powerful tool for men dissatisfied with dating, wondering how to get a girlfriend, or how to improve their current relationship. When practiced consistently, this method of thinking is effective way of attracting and building the relationship you want. 

With that said, mindfulness is the key to a loving and healthy relationship that will help you be a better husband and partner.

And the good news is you can learn how to practice mindfulness in all your relationships.

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In my personal empowerment coaching practice, I've had the opportunity to partner with some really brilliant, hardworking, and amazing men — from physicians to corporate executives to the "Mr. Moms," if you will.

Interestingly, the number one reason why men seek me out for relationship advice is to gain clarity and direction in shifting their current relationship experience with their significant other into what they desire to experience.

So, how do you employ mindfulness to shift your relationship from where it is now to what you truly desire?

Here are 3 keys to practicing mindfulness in love to build a healthy relationship and be a better partner.

1. Be grateful.

Every day, list at least 10 things you are thankful and grateful for about your mate.

When we're able to sincerely and authentically express our gratitude, we are opening ourselves up to experiencing and receiving even more opportunities to express our gratitude.

After mastering the ability to express gratitude for what you see in your mate now, I challenge you to express gratitude for the qualities in them that you desire to see.

2. Just say no to the "blame game."

Unless we're mindful of the power of our speech, it is not always innately easy to keep our focus on the positive aspects of our mate.

In fact, I would venture so far as to say that it is much easier to point our finger and play the blame game when our relationships fall apart.

But where does that get us, really?

Energy flows where our attention goes. By engaging in the blame game, we focus our energy on everything we don’t like about what our mate did or did not do, said or did not say.

All this behavior actually creates more of what you dislike. There is no sense in blaming yourself either, so don’t even go there.

Say, "no" to the blame game, find out what you're grateful for about your partner, and then choose to shift your focus to what actually went right — is it your children, pets, adventures, or experiences?

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3. It's not your job to make your partner happy.

Of course, we want our mate happy. For most of us, it is our pleasure to contribute to another’s happiness.

At the same time, however, happiness is an individual choice that is not dependent upon any external forces.

A person may live in luxury and still be unhappy, while another person may have no idea where the next meal is coming from and still be able to "count it all in joy."

If we find ourselves exhausting our own energy trying to satisfy the happiness factor of our mate, it is past time to turn inward and start focusing on what makes us happy.

When we are able to step into our own joy, we become like the light of the candle shining for others who are receptive.

So, once you begin practicing mindfulness and take the above relationship advice to heart, you'll be able to find love and build the relationship you truly want in your life.

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LeNae Goolsby is a lawyer turned intuitive personal empowerment life coach. If you would like LeNae to help you create the love relationship of your dreams, visit her website.