Love Coaches Reveal The 3 Simple Ways A Guy Decides If You Are A Fling Or A Potential Wife

The two categories a man puts any woman he dates in.

Man trying to figure out if a woman is a fling or potential wife CHU17, Rido | Canva Pro

From your first interaction with a man, you’re telling him whether you are just a fling or a woman who might one day be his wife, possibly the mother of his children, in other words, a potential wife. When a man meets a woman, he is wondering which category to put you in — fling or potential wife. We’re not really that complicated. 

Many women have been conditioned by the mass media to believe that “looking attractive” is a way of showing independence. Freedom of expression in all forms is an important part of independence, however, when you dress for a date, you are sending clear messages about who you are, and which category you fit in (fling or potential wife) loud and clear. Here are three first/early date ways you put yourself in one category or another.


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The 3 simple ways a man decides if you are a fling or a potential wife:

1. The clothing you wear

If you haven’t updated your wardrobe to reflect the maturity level you are at, it may be time for an update. If you have bought into the idea that you’ve got to “show some skin” or sleep with them early to get them hot for you, then you can make him fall in love with you, please, take it from me, men don’t often operate that way. If you are looking for your husband you want to be beautiful and elegant — channel that energy.

are you just a fling or a potential wife Pexels / cottonbro studio


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2. If you invite him to your home

If you invite him to your place on the first date, you may be telling him loud and clear “It’s a very real possibility we could sleep together” which may — not always, of course — put you squarely in the “fling” category in his mind.

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3. How intimate you are on the first date

Does that mean you won't have fun if you're intimate on the first date? No. Does that mean you can’t have a decent relationship? No. But a man of quality, a mature man, a healthy man, who is open to or actively looking for the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with is looking for a potential wife not just another fling (he’s had that already…and so have you). See yourself as you want to be seen, and he will see you that way too – if he’s the right one.


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Johnny and Dr. Lara Fernandez are the founders of Feminine Radiance & Courage Institute and are holistic life and love coaches with nearly two decades of experience and knowledge, who help to empower single professional women with practices, principles, and tools to live the life of their dreams with their soulmate by their side.
