Meet The Mom And Daughter Who Are Grotesquely Addicted To Plastic Surgery
Warning: These photos are beyond horrifying.

The bond between a mother and daughter is one of the strongest yet sweetest there is, and mothers and daughters who enjoy spending time together is a beautiful thing.
But the activity that Georgina Clarke and Kayla Morris like to do together is getting plastic surgery.
Morris, 25, and Clarke, 43, are desperate to look like their idol Katie Price, a British celebrity mainly known for her huge fake breasts. They've spent over $86,000 to do so, having had 26 operations between them — lip injections, Botox, cheek fillers, semi-permanent makeup, and breast jobs.
They have plans for butt lifts, nose jobs, further lip injections, veneers, and a designer vagina for Clarke... using cash that Morris earned as a stripper, given to her by a sugar daddy.
"My mum is my best friend and plastic surgery is our way of bonding. Every time we go under the knife we get closer to looking like Katie," Morris said in an interview.
She was 11 when she first told her mother she was interested in having breast enlargement surgery. And her mother was with her every step of the way.
Clarke added, "I was so pleased. I admitted I wanted one too, and we started planning for when she turned 18."
Some mothers and daughters spend hours planning a wedding or a sweet sixteen party... these two dreamed of getting their breasts done.
Morris started stripping in Birmingham, England when she was 17 to earn money for all the surgeries she and her mother dreamed of having. Eventually, fate stepped in and Morris met a sugar daddy who paid for both her and her mother's surgeries.
While to some people, Morris and her mother are sad examples of people with very little in their lives, except for plastic surgery and a goal of looking like a British celebrity, they're happy.
"I'm really lucky to have a daughter like Kayla that spoils me and pays for my surgery and stuff. I'm just living the dream," said Clarke. "I'm so lucky. I'm so proud of her. I really am."
Morris and Clarke explained their mother/daughter plastic surgery: "We like looking the same. We even buy the same clothes as each other! Kayla and I can't wait for our double boob-jobs later this year, and we want bigger bums and bigger lips, too."
Clarke and Morris were recently called out for their plastic surgery 'addiction'.
Clarke, especially, was called out for allowing her daughter to do what she did in order to pay for their surgeries.
Morris and Clarke were interviewed by Jeremy Kyle, who confronted Clarke about letting her daughter strip in order to pay for the plastic surgery.
He asked her, "What sort of mother allows her 18-year-old daughter to actually dance and sleep with older men in return for cosmetic procedures?"
Clarke denied even knowing about what her daughter was doing, but eventually confessed to feeling "rubbish" about it. Morris spoke up, blaming celebrities and social media for the glamourization of getting plastic surgery. And Clarke admitted that the surgeries had become "addictive" for her.
However, Morris claimed in the interview that she no longer wanted to have any more surgery done.
She said, "[My first cosmetic procedure] was about six years ago now. I just remember really wanting it done. It's a lot of pressure on being a young girl nowadays, the whole Kim Kardashian thing, Instagram thing, selfie thing. And if you aren't secure and happy in yourself, and you have the money then you will go and do them."
She also called her old look "ridiculous," while her mother still maintained that her daughter looked "quite nice" with the surgery.
For his part, Kyle wasn't letting Clarke off easy, calling what she encouraged her daughter to do "disgusting" and saying, "If my 18-year-old daughter was sleeping with a 50-year-old man in return for money to have her [breasts] done or her lips, I wouldn't think of myself as a very good parent, Georgina. You've got to answer that."
Clarke then admitted that it "was not right."
While they may have a strong mother and daughter bond, the absolute emptiness of these two women's lives is stunning.
Christine Schoenwald is a writer and performer. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, and Woman's Day. Visit her website or and her Instagram.