3 Zodiac Signs Are Courageous While Facing Challenges On March 12, 2024

This day requires nerve and confidence.

3 Zodiac Signs Are Courageous On March 12, 2024 dontstop from Getty Images Signature, Luminas_art from pixabay

There are days when we recognize that we are being given a great opportunity, and if we don't jump on it, we'll miss out. However, making that big move may not be all that easy, even if it seems the logical next move.

This day requires nerve and confidence, and most of all, the ability to summon within ourselves courage and foresight. We must be courageous with our efforts on Tuesday. For three zodiac signs, that's exactly what's going to happen.


What gives us support on this day is the conglomerate transit of the Moon harmonizing with Mars square Pluto. When these elements come together, we benefit from their influence, and for three zodiac signs, the timing couldn't be better or more appropriate.


This is the day when we screw up our nerves and go after what we want, and what we want is not some random thing, either. We intend, therefore we manifest, and we do it courageously.

Moon harmonizing with Mars square Pluto lets us know that if we are the force of change in our lives, then we had better get to it, as this transit is about action rather than dreaming.

We have done our dreaming, and on this day, we recognize that it's 'go time.' Strike while the iron is hot, and know the courage we drum up is equivalent to the success we will create for ourselves.

Three zodiac signs show courage while faced with challenges on March 12, 2024:

1. Leo 

Courage is par for the course when you're a Leo, and on this day, March 12, you'll find that if you are challenged, you will go for it. The interesting part about this challenge is that it will more than likely be YOU who challenges yourself, as you feel that there are things that you need to get past, and well, there is no time like the present, right?


And with the transit of Moon harmonizing with Mars square Pluto backing your efforts up, you'll get the chance to really look deeply into that mirror to see just how obstinate you can be when it comes to braving the challenge that lies before you. Oh yes, you have the courage, but you are also someone who backs away if the pressure seems too great, as you might want to 'save face.' All of that goes out the window on this day as you fearlessly press on.

You are truly in your power on this day, Leo, and the more success you achieve, as you will notice it keeps on piling on during the day, the better you'll feel about going for more, more and more. You are undaunted on this day, and it becomes contagious, this wild and fearless energy that you've summoned up. This is you at your best, and you know it. If you can use the power of Moon harmonizing with Mars square Pluto to get past the obstacles that block your path, then consider this day to be a rousing success.

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2. Libra 

Learning great and powerful lessons from the past is one of your specialties, and being that this is no easy feat, you've come to know yourself as very powerful when it comes to healing. You feel what you must feel, and then you confront those demons for the sole purpose of ridding them once and for all. On this day, March 12, you are going to see that, while there's still a way to go in this pursuit, you'll be on your way, that's for sure.


During this day's transit of the Moon harmonizing with Mars square Pluto, you'll look at your troubles square in the eye and fearlessly confront them with the power to vanquish them once and for all. You dare to do this because you've seen that good things happen when you decide to stand up and make them happen. It takes guts to get the good jobs done, Libra, and you've got guts and chutzpah.

Fearlessness is a part of your nature, Libra, and during transformative astrological events such as the Moon harmonizing with Mars square Pluto, you can't help but be on top of things. You are the winner who is waiting behind the scenes to claim their victory. You are patient and precise, and if courage is what's needed to achieve your goal, then you've got this one, Libra. It's a done deal.

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3. Sagittarius 

Enough of that fearful behavior, Sagittarius! You have always been a leader and a powerful ruler over your own emotions and behavior patterns, so this day, March 12, is going to bring you what you've always known was your truth, and that is that you are courageous and amazing. During the transit of Moon harmonizing with Mars square Pluto, you will not be able to hold back any longer. The transformation that you've been working on is now in effect. It's real. Your power has been restored.


And with the help of the power source called Moon harmonizing with Mars square Pluto, you'll not only feel good about who you are on this very day, but this day will set you up for the rest of your life. Yes, you spent a little too much time forgetting that you're one of the most powerful people you know, but no longer. It's time to rise once again, reclaim your power, and show yourself as brave, true and courageous.

With fear taking a back seat, you are no longer controlled by it, and this allows you to take up the Sagittarius mantle of being a freedom fighter and a lover of truth. This day may seem lofty and almost heady, but your experience of Moon harmonizing with Mars square Pluto is something epic and life-changing. Just go out there and be you. Do your thing and show them all what it means to be a true Sagittarius!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.