3 Zodiac Signs Release Sadness Starting On March 11, 2024

Through vulnerability, we heal our hearts.

3 Zodiac Signs Are No Longer Sad On March 11, 2024 pixelshot, miyukifkd Fukuda, magann from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Imagine knowing that the sadness we hold inside ourselves may not be a permanent installation in our hearts and that one day, we might be free of such sadness. On March 11, 2024, we may be surprised to see that the sadness we've held on to for so long is at its end as if it's simply run out of fuel and can no longer be supported. Our hearts have seen to it that healing must happen. during Venus in Pisces, such things are more than likely to occur.


Three zodiac signs have been carrying around the weight of past sadness, so much so that it's become an identity for us. We forget that we have happiness inside us, as it's been hidden for so long beneath this shroud of what we thought was something we had to carry with us for a lifetime. But this is not true. we will awaken to this fact on this day, thanks to the gentle and loving transit of Venus in Pisces.



We may not trust it at first, as this is not how we are used to going about doing things. we aren't used to being this free, this unburdened. yet, we can't help but recognize that this is really happening.


We are letting go of the sadness that seemed to inhabit our every minute, so much so that in letting go of it, we feel naked and vulnerable. This is the first step to understanding that from this day forward. we are free. We are no longer sad. We are no longer holding on to a sadness that never worked for us in the first place.

Zodiac signs are no longer sad on March 11, 2024:

1. Aries 

(March 21 - April 19)

Sadness is part and parcel of your life, Aries, and you feel as though it's something that's just 'there' for all time. Your sadness is built on a foundation of many things that have happened to you in this life. it's not only 'sad,' but it's where you derive your strength. you have transformed your past into a story of struggle, but one that will always lead you to victory. You need to know that you are bigger than your sadness, and this is how you transform it.

However, on March 11, during Venus in Pisces, you'll see that so much of the sadness you've carried around has become so much more routine than it is actually necessary. You may have thoughts on this day that lead you to understand that you don't really need to rely on this sadness in order to build strength. Aren't you strong enough as it is, and aren't you hungry for joy to replace that sadness?


Oh yes, Aries, you are starved for positive energy. it only hits you on this day that you don't have to use the past as fuel. there is joy all around you. during Venus in Pisces, you finally see it. The need to rid yourself of this nagging sadness has finally come to its climax. you can see the road ahead, and it is not paved with tears. Your hero's journey has now taken a turn towards the light. March into it, brave warrior.

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2. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)

The deeds and actions of the past have left you with an indelible mark on your heart. for all of these years, you never thought even to try to remove that mark. You have always known that whatever it is that brings you such sadness is also something you can stuff down and ignore. Experience has shown you that you can compartmentalize things like sadness, grief, pain.


What's happening that changes everything on this day, March 11, is that you've got Venus in Pisces on your side. this transit gently nudges you into a state of mind that has no room in it for sadness or pain. While this might sound impossible, this kind of seismic transformation beckons you to be a part of it, and to it, you will run Capricorn. This is called self-love. whether you know it or not, you've been practicing it for a long time.

The idea of no longer lugging around the weight of sadness almost seems unreal to you. yet, once you get a taste of the freedom that comes with this, you'll feel as though your spirit has been set free. Venus in Pisces has the power to liberate you from sadness. while this may take time to get used to. get used to it, Capricorn, as this is your new home.

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3. Pisces 

(February 19 - March 20)


There is so much to be sad about, and quite frankly, you've had enough. You've seen how much time has been given to things that no longer exist. those things will not change or become new stories, no matter how much attention you give them. You are tired of feeling sad over things that once were and have no chance of being anything other than what they once were.

On this day, the transit of Venus in Pisces is going to affect your emotional balance. Because you are so intelligent and wise, you'll see that you've done yourself a disservice by spending too much time thinking about the past, which has only given you the gift of great sadness in return. On March 11, however, you will take your life back, and you will say no to the sadness that threatens to consume you.

This isn't denial; you are really in control here. This isn't you pretending not to be sad, oh no. You feel a 'click' on this day, and that click tells you that you are officially over it. Sadness has its time and place in your life. being that life is short and precious, this day marks the moment you know in your heart that you are no longer sad. You are ready to embrace happiness, love, and personal growth. It's happening, and there's no stopping this train, Pisces. Enjoy your new life, 'sans the sad.'


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.