3 Zodiac Signs Win No Matter What On January 12, 2024

Nothing stands in our way.

3 Zodiac Signs Win No Matter What On January 12, 2024 vtrdid from vtrdid studio, Jason_V from Getty Images Signature, DAPA Images | Canva Pro

Jupiter rules on this day, January 12, 2024, as we have both Moon square Jupiter and Mars trine Jupiter pulling the strings, and that means this day comes with huge potential.

What we choose to focus on during this day is what becomes our victory or our challenge, and for three zodiac signs, the more dominant of the transits goes to Moon square Jupiter, which could end up kicking our rears.

The thing is, maybe we need our rears to be kicked and that's why we went with the Moon square Jupiter rather than the Mars trine Jupiter path ... and yes, we do have a choice here.


Part of Jupiter's main lesson is always about choice. The road is never 'only one way,' and so much of this day goes to learning that up close and personal. If our days go badly, we are, on some level, the creators of that effect.

During Moon square Jupiter, we learn to take responsibility for our actions and our thinking. This day doesn't come with one bright and magical lesson but more along the lines of a whole bunch of little lessons that cover just about all bases.


If we are smart ... and we definitely are, then we will absorb the lessons that come with Moon square Jupiter on this day, January 12, 2024.

Three zodiac signs with rough horoscope on January 12, 2024:

1. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

Having a squared Jupiter transit could potentially be a real pain, but you'll find a way to learn from whatever gets put on your plate on this day, as Moon square Jupiter really isn't here to do you harm, and you know it. You feel as though you are being given a choice on this day, January 12, 2024, and that even though the options are not what you were anticipating, you can do this ... you CAN do this.

January 12, 2024, sets you up with the idea that you'll have to let go of something that you've been attached to that you also know is harmful to your health, and that could be a bad habit — or an actual person. Knowing this makes you own it; however, and while that's not the easiest thing for you to do. 


It's what you need in order to take that last step. Keep in mind that Moon square Jupiter is also about seeking freedom, which in your case might mean freedom from a crutch, bad habit or negative relationship.

In order to get to the other side, you have to go through it, and that implies all the muck and mess that you've created for yourself. What's different about this day, January 12, 2024, is that you know you are the one responsible for putting yourself in this tight position and that if you are to wriggle out of it, then it has to be for good and that you must not look back. This day requires strength and self-respect. Go for it, Scorpio. 



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2. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)

During the transit of Moon square Jupiter, you will be very in touch with a few of the mistakes you've made in the recent past and you will totally embrace the idea that you must change because nothing is going to transform unless you make it so. This could bring on an emotional snowballing for you, but it's nothing you can't handle, nor is it anything you haven't foreseen coming. You are taking responsibility on this day, January 12, 2024, and yes, it hurts.

You need this pain to launch yourself free from, and only you know just how important it is for you to get through it. This is 'the bed you've made,' so to speak, and you can lie in it for just so long. You are perfectly aware that during Moon square Jupiter, you can no longer hide from the truth. In fact, it beckons you on and 'makes' you confront it. It's hard to do, but it's doable just the same.

What you do know, however, is that as of this day, January 12, 2024, there's no going backward, as that would be the biggest slight you could give yourself. You are on a positivity-driven path, and this path is paved with painful moments and self-inflicted pitfalls. You know that there is no safety in deceiving yourself anymore. The truth will set you free, and Moon square Jupiter will bring you that freedom.




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3. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)

This day, January 12, 2024, has you facing the facts and these facts are those that you have kept yourself blind to for what may add up to years. You may be in a relationship that hasn't worked for you, and yet, you've stifled your emotions and played along just to keep the peace.


Now, there's nothing about this day that suggests that you will revolt or tell your partner that you are unhappy, BUT, during Moon square Jupiter, you are also aware that there IS something you can do for yourself in order to feel at home, once again.

This day enables the idea of acceptance, and Jupiter transits tend to be very forgiving and open when it comes to making room for the ups and downs of our lives. It will be on this day, January 12, 2024, that you let go of your pent-up resentment for your romantic partner and you just let yourself breathe. No, you aren't going to end it or start a fight, but you're also not going to sit around stewing over all the 'wrong things' that the two of you have been through.

This day ushers in true acceptance, and you recognize it as inevitable. You love your partner, even if you don't want to be with them much, and when you think about not being with them, that doesn't seem worth much, either. In fact, it seems like a much lonelier position to be in. So, during the transit of Moon square Jupiter, you accept that your life, while mundane and safe, is still a very good one and that you should be grateful for what you do have.




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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.