3 Zodiac Signs Get Much Needed Closure On December 11, 2023

They just want you to know that they acknowledge their wrongdoing.

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Round about this time of the year, people are coming to terms with what the entire year has brought them. For some, it's tragic, and for others, it might be excellent. Then, there's everything in between, and all of it is a major lesson in life. On this day, December 11, 2023, we will see something very special happen: we will get the apology that we feel we have been owed, and this is due to the transit of Venus sextile Lilith.


Three zodiac signs know the feeling of being wrong, and while we may not have been actively waiting around for an apology to come our way, we all know in our hearts that the person who did us wrong definitely owes us one. Apologies are so hard to come by, as it takes a lot to give one, especially when you know you were the 'bad guy.'

Well, the 'bad guy' comes forth on this day, December 11, 2023, and during the transit of Venus sextile Lilith, we will see this person make amends for their behavior. They may not seem sincere and they may even resent the idea that they're doing this, but we will get that apology and closure. We will never have to anticipate or expect one from this person ever again ... after they deliver.


These three zodiac signs get closure on December 11, 2023:

1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

On December 11, 2023, you will receive an apology from someone who has owed you one for far too long, and the only problem here is that you feel it's too little, too late. Yes, it's nice that this person has come through and that they are ready to admit that they were not only wrong but destructive to the relationship, but still ... you see that the damage has already been done. So, while it's nice to get an apology, it means very little now.

During the transit of Venus sextile Lilith, you're going to see that getting this long-awaited admission of guilt does very little to help anything along. It's as if you've healed from the pain they've given you so long ago that you find that you don't really need an apology anymore, as all an apology really is to you, at this point, is a set of empty words that have arrived way too late in the game. OK, they are sorry. Now what?

Perhaps if they took responsibility at the time when they were causing you so much pain, you might be able to appreciate this apologetic attempt, but what's done is done. You're happy that they are 'good with themselves' enough to apologize, but the act itself does nothing for you. In fact, it only shows you that waiting for an apology is the ultimate anti-climactic experience when granted. What's done is done and there is no going back home.


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2. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

This day brings you something you've wanted for a long time now, and that is an apology from an old lover. This person was 'the love of your life' and the end of the relationship was something you've always blamed them for. And you are more than likely correct to blame them, as they really and truly did you wrong. They owe you an apology for their appalling behavior, and on December 11, 2023, during the transit of Venus sextile Lilith, you will get this long-awaited 'I'm sorry.'

Much like Taurus' response, you'll see very quickly that after the shock of hearing from this person wears off, you'll be left with a very wishy-washy feeling, like ... who cares? You THOUGHT you wanted an apology and in some fantasy world, you assumed that if you got one, it would be more than miraculous and that all the problems of your life would suddenly vanish into thin air. You gave this person THAT much power over you.


Here they are, asking for your forgiveness, and all you can see is that they were probably pressured to do so to fulfill someone else's request. To show they are an honest person to someone else, they have shared with them what they did to you, and their person asked them to apologize to you. It's an insincere form letter of apology, and you almost feel sickened at the idea that they've come back to waste your time like this.

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3. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

You don't like being wronged, lied to or taken for a fool and you know that there's that one person who really took advantage of your friendship in the past. The transit of the day, Venus sextile Lilith, will have you receiving word from this person. The interesting thing is that they are more than contrite; they are downright humble. You will receive an apology from this person, December 11, 2023, and you will know in your heart that this person is dead serious.


They admit to it all, and the thing with you, Aquarius, is that you truly are a forgiving person ... this doesn't open up the gates to a continuation of the friendship, but it does bring you completion. It's good for you to hear this person's apology because, in a way, it frees you from having to carry around the burden of resenting them for the rest of your life. They express no interest in renewing the friendship; they just want you to know that they acknowledge their wrongdoing.

After you receive this apology, you will have one less thing to haul around. You can now look back at your memories with a lighter gaze. You can release the baggage that came along with that person's name; you no longer have to smirk every time their name comes up. This gives you a great release. You appreciate that this person dared to humble themselves before you, and this allows you to breathe easier from now on.

RELATED: 5 Emotional Zodiac Signs Who Are Always 'In Their Feelings'


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.