3 Zodiac Signs Who Reconcile With An Ex During The Moon In Cancer January 15 - 17, 2022

So sweet.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Reconcile With An Ex During The Moon In Cancer January 15 - 17, 2022 Andrii Zastrozhnov/Shutterstock.com

There's something very lovey-dovey about the transit known as Moon in Cancer. This transit likes to see us getting back together with the people we may have fallen out with.

While it's a jam-packed cosmic sky, filled with conflicting transits over the new few days and weeks, during Moon in Cancer we can expect calm, cool, and collected experiences to occur.

We may even see the return of someone who played a major role in our romantic lives; an ex, who, if they play their cards right, might upgrade their statue from ex to 'present partner.'


These are the days of reconciliation. It's time to forgive, forget, and move forward. And this, for some signs, may be exactly what's about to take place.

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Your ex never really left, did they? They may have 'vacated the premises' but they've always lived inside your heart and in your mind. For certain zodiac signs, this goes both ways, as you've never stopped being a solid presence in their lives as well. It's time to reconcile and let bygones be bygones.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Reconcile With An Ex During The Moon In Cancer January 15 - 17, 2022


(June 21 - July 22)


Moon in Cancer is about as Cancer as it gets when it comes to deep heady thoughts and the need for calm, quiet places. For you, these thoughts lead back to your ex, and all the good memories you have of them. You may even decide to reach out to them, just to laugh about old times.

While this may not turn into a new romantic relationship, it sure does feel nice to think that the two of you may be able to be friends again. This is a great possibility, Cancer. It's all about open hearts and the willingness to be kind. Your ex is a compassionate person, if you reach out to them, they will respond with great care and acceptance. It's a nice thought.

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(July 23 - August 22)


If only you hadn't been so impulsive in the past, you might still be with this one person that you loved, today. But you blew it back then, and things fell apart. What's interesting is that your ex still loves you and holds nothing against you.

Your feeling is one of regret; you've been beating yourself up for years over your past behavior, but never did you think that maybe this person wants back in.

The amazing thing is, Leo, they do. All you have to do is show them that you're interested, and if you are, and you feel you can stand up as a person of your word, then you can right the wrongs of the past. Reconciliations are successful during Moon in Cancer.

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(December 22 - January 19)

The idea of reconciliation with an ex seems dreamy to you, Capricorn, and if such a thing could happen, it would have to be set up with new rules and boundaries. It's true, you still love someone from the past; this person is perhaps your 'number one', a person you always believed to be your soul mate.

What happened to make the two of you separate was harsh and final, and you wish it didn't go down that way. Here's the thing: they wish it didn't go down that way either, and during Moon in Cancer, they will reach out to you, in an attempt to at least start communications rolling again.


You CAN be friends with this person without it turning into a Netflix drama series, and you should, because this person is good for you. They make you smile and laugh, and what could be better than that?

RELATED: These 5 Zodiac Signs Never Stay Friends With An Ex, According To Astrology


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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda 
