3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On December 9, 2021
Can't win for losing.

We, the people of Earth would like to make a request please, and that would be, "Hey you, Moon Square Mars! Stop tormenting us, please.
We really want to like you and work with your amazing energy but you keep on giving us a hard time! Stop!"
Three zodiac signs will have a rough day on December 9, 2021, and astrology shows that there is tension in the points of hidden enemies and friendships.
Who are the three zodiac signs that will have a rough day?
And so, for Gemini, Virgo, and Scorpio, right here, smack dab in Moon in Pisces, we've got Moon Conjunction Jupiter to make us dream big and get all excited about 'things to come' and Moon Square Mars to make sure we get in our own way and sabotage everything we want. That sounds like the makings of a rough day if you ask me.
This is one of those days where we ask for very little. We start out the day as if it's going to be a good one, filled with ambition and creativity, we assume there will be enjoyment and perhaps a little social engagement, and what do we get instead? We get arguments.
We fight dirty with members of the opposite sex. We get easily offended by strangers, and our moods plummet into the depths of aggravation.
Not what we had planned on, eh? For certain signs of the Zodiac, this day and all of it's mixed-message-giving transits is going to be 'for the birds.'
Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On December 9, 2021:
(May 21 - June 20)
It's all about the personal realizations these days, Gemini, and nobody knows better than you that the more things change, the more they stay the same.
What's meant here is that you've been working long and hard on making your own life a better place to be, and the last thing you need is to be second-guessed, and undermined in your progress.
Someone in your life just can't let you have a moment of success without barging in on your space to tell you what they think is wrong with you, your plan, your life, your choices, etc.
You may even wonder why this person is still in your life as all they tend to share with you is their godawful opinion of you.
Moon Square Mars may have you in heated arguments with a parent or an authority figure, none of which you are interested in, but must listen to anyway.
(August 23 - September 22)
Here we are in Sagittarius season, and so far, so good. You haven't been too upset, in fact, you've been feeling rather inspired for the first time in years, you feel like doing exciting things.
But! Exciting things mean effort, and with Moon Square Mars, suddenly 'effort' looks like more than you can handle. In other words, you're all talk.
You like to come across as the gentle being who always has something fun in mind, and yet you don't feel you have the energy to even clean up after yourself.
Doesn't sound like much of a rough day, until one of your friends points out your 'laziness' to you. Then, you go on a defense campaign that lasts the entire day.
What this transit does to you is that it turns you into an insolent brat who would rather pout and stomp their feet than admit you're responsible for the messy (literally) situation you're in now.
(October 23 - November 21)
You're about to receive some money, Scorpio. That doesn't sound like too bad a day, does it? Well, it's not a bad day for you, but it is a frustrating romp through the waiting game, when it comes to actually getting your hands on that money.
What we're seeing here is that this could be a shared pot; like an inheritance. You are not the only one in line for this windfall, and that's when the vultures all come out, and that is what makes this day a rough one.
Competition for money and probably amongst family members. It's a nightmare come true, and you'll be right in the middle of it. Stay healthy and hydrated during this day, Scorpio, as many things will try your patience and burn out your energy.
Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda