3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On September 19, 2021

A dreamy ideal wonderland.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On September 19, 2021 muratart/Shutterstock.com

The three zodiac signs who will have a great day on September 19, 2021, will see their future start to become more promising, and part of the reason why is the Moon in Pisces

Sunday is gearing up to be a day full of support and focus back on what is important; for many, it will be a great day.

We are seeing the Moon in Pisces this Sunday. This is a time where emotions run deep, and it affects everything in your life, according to astrology.


Artists are finding muses, people are feeling empathy, and the world is looking like a dreamy ideal wonderland.

Which three zodiac signs will have a great day on September 19, 2021, according to astrology?

Leo, Libra, and Pisces zodiac signs are seeing this Pisces Moon Trine with Venus in Scorpio on this day as well. People who are committed may be feeling a little more flexible, with the willingness to bend to their partner’s needs and cater to what they are seeking.

This will be a day that arguments are easier to avoid. Communication may be a little more clear on Sunday, with great resolve and a mutual understanding of others. There will be support within relationships and comfort in their connection.


The Moon in Pisces is also Sextile with Uranus, which is in the position of Taurus. This is a great time to be recognized for all you are doing these days. Attention may fall onto you or the subjects you passionately advocate for.

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There is favorable energy supporting the collective, encouraging many to continue to seek their dreams and to follow their journeys with a wide smile and open heart. For these three zodiac signs, however, this last day of the weekend will be nothing short of pure bliss.

Zodiac signs who will have a great day on September 19, 2021

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Leo, when it comes to a day where you feel the most authentic version of love, there is no possible way it could be anything but a great day. You are finding this once again this Sunday, in the most blissful and true way.


This can be seen for many in relationships, but for others, this could be in more pure forms. Some may be greatly influenced this Sunday by a child who is doting on them, presenting them a flower or a self-written poem about the Leo in their life.

For others, it could be seen in expressions of creation, in the pieces they design, in the works they create. On Sunday, September 19, all Leos will be surrounded by love that makes them feel full. Once again, the spark to life has been ignited.

It is in matters of the heart that you know your legacy will stand the test of time.

You are more than your person, your physical being. You may feel as though there’s a reason you have been brought to this world. Sunday reminds you of this calling. If you have a chance to express all the love and passion in your heart, take the opportunity. You are creating memories that will last even after you are gone.


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Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra, on this Sunday you will find you are communicating stories of beauty and love, bringing you to the great day you have been longing for. On September 19 you have limitless potential to help influence the world around you to bring you the peace you seek.

For a change, you won’t have to keep fighting to defend your points.

People are listening to you on Sunday, without you feeling you have to convince them to hear you. You are providing balance within your conversations and keeping others in check with perspectives outside of their own.


Instead of being met with stubbornness or anger, people will show appreciation for your willingness to explore ideas with them. This is something that will bring others closer to you. People are quite fond of the way you defend your views; this will help them respect you as you should be.

You are truly more intelligent than you are often given credit for. People are finally starting to see this in you. There may be days of difficult conversations, however, your words pass your lips this Sunday and fall onto ears like well-thought sonnets. Use this to change the world.

RELATED: The Hard Truth About Loving A Libra

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces, this Sunday is bringing you the relief you have been looking for, creating a great day for you. For quite some time you have been hoping that those around you will understand you on a deeper, more emotional level.


There may even be times that you fear no one will understand you, as a person. People don’t seem to always understand your intentions or the emotional depths you are capable of feeling. However, starting Sunday, those closest to you will be seeing you with new eyes.

The spotlight is on you. Sunday provides you with the care and compassion you have been longing for. You are attracting the attention you have been craving but have such a difficult time advocating for.

No longer must you toggle between feeling dramatic and feeling invisible.


There may be some infatuation breaking on September 19, 2021. Someone you may have been getting your hopes up will be proving to not be who you hoped they would be.

If this does arise, know that it will be the most minor of inconveniences on a day that you finally find support. It will only clear out the baggage to make room for the affections you deserve.

RELATED: Facts About The Pisces Horoscope Sign That Explain These Wise, Old Souls Perfectly


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Tea Jones is a tarotist, psychic, and certified Level III Reiki Master Practitioner who writes about spirituality, witchcraft, tarot, and divination.
