'Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City': Meet Meredith Marks's Husband, Seth Marks
He calls himself a "deal maker."

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City premiered on Nov. 11, and is already creating huge buzz among Bravo fans.
The new stars all have incredible backstories that will make this new franchise just as fun and juicy as the previous versions of the show have been.
Despite the location of the new show being in the city where the Mormon Church has headquarters, not all the people on the show are members of the Church of Latter-Day Saints.
In fact, Meredith Marks, who is originally from Chicago, tells the cameras that she is Jewish. She and her husband, Seth, will be seen navigating their new life as empty nesters this season.
Who is Meredith Marks's husband, Seth Marks?
Read on to find out fascinating details about Meredith Marks's husband, Seth Marks.
Meredith and Seth Marks have been married for a quarter-century.
In her official bio for the show, Marks let fans know that she and her husband Seth have been married for over 25 years.
Since they graduated from college in 1993 and 1994 respectively, that suggests that they got married in their early 20s. They're probably both mid-40s now and they have become very successful professionals in their years together.
They are parents to three kids and the youngest has started college, leaving the couple alone to figure out their new normal. She claims that the process of becoming empty nesters is causing problems in their marriage.
Seth and Meredith don't exactly live in Salt Lake City.
Despite being part of the SLC cast of the new real housewives franchise, both Seth and Meredith make their home base in Chicago, where Meredith grew up.
That doesn't mean they don't have Utah connections, however.
What does Seth Marks do for a living?
The company that drew Seth Marks to Utah is the online retail giant Overstock.com.
He was an Executive Vice President of Merchandising and Strategic Sourcing at the company from 2013-2015. Before that job, he worked for a string of discount retail outlets.
In 2004, he helped founded Big Lots Capital, the special acquisitions arm of Big Lots In 2008, Marks shepherded a company called Talon Merchant Capital through its merger with Liquidation World.
In 2011, he became the chief marketing officer of Tuesday Morning Corporation stores.
What does Meredith Marks do for a living?
If Seth is an expert in selling affordable goods to the masses, Meredith is all about luxury items.
She is a jewelry designer who says her work "epitomize[s] the ethos of livable luxury." The jewelry items on her website cost thousands of dollars apiece.
She also sells high-end handbags and apparel at the same luxury price point as her gemstone pieces. Together this couple represents the yin and yang of shopping.
What is the name of Meredith Marks's jewelry store?
To begin with, Meredith has a boutique jewelry store in swanky Park City called Meredith Marks Jewelry. It's not far from Salt Lake City and judging from her Instagram page, she appears to spend plenty of time there.
Moreover, Seth's career had him working in the Utah capital city for a few years, so they would have been familiar with the area and made friends there.
After Overstock, the Marks family went back to Chicago.
In the post-Overstock years, Seth went back to working at Chicago-based companies like Sears and Hilco Solutions.
Earlier this year, he took a job at another liquidation specialty firm based in Canton, OH.
His wife's company, Meredith Marks LLC is still based in Chicago, with its only retail outlet in Park City.
She is a jewelry designer whos sells her own pieces and she travels to do shows in other cities and work with stores like Nordstrom to carry her pieces.
So, it's safe to say this couple travels to work and to play.
Who are Meredith and Seth Marks's kids?
The Marks parents have three kids and they have all left the house at this point.
The oldest son is 21, but we don't know the ages of the younger two. Meredith says that they have been married for more than 25 years and with a 21 years old, that means they have been parenting for most of their marriage.
Now, with kids out of the house, they have new challenges to face. The couple hasn't elaborated on what those challenges are so fans will have to wait to see more.
The Marks family in 2020.
When does The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City air?
Fans will get to learn more about this couple this season on The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, which airs on Wednesdays at 10 p.m. ET on Bravo.
Rebekah Kuschmider has been writing about celebrities, pop culture, entertainment, and politics since 2010. She is the creator of the blog FeminXer and she is a cohost of the weekly podcast The More Perfect Union.