Who Is Weltzin Garcia? Missing Texas Mom Found Dead
Weltzin Garcia has been missing for two months. Police found her body this week.

After weeks of searching, authorities have found missing Texas woman Weltzin Garcia. The 28-year-old mother of two and her boyfriend Alfonso Hernandez were reported missing on February 5, 2019.
Police discovered the remains of Hernandez two weeks after they both vanished. His body was found near White Rock Lake, close to downtown Dallas, and her phone was in his pocket when he was found. Police have not released a cause of death for Hernandez.
Now authorities have found Weltzin Garcia’s body as well.
The couple had two children together, ages 3 and 6 years old. When Garcia was first reported missing her frantic family told police that she never would have left her children behind. That, combined with Hernandez’s abuse towards Garcia, had them concerned that he had done something awful to her.
Who was Weltzin Garcia? Read on for all the details.
1. Relationship
Garcia and Hernadez had been together for some time and had two young children together. However, not everything was okay in their relationship. Aweek before they both disappeared, Garcia had secured a protective order against Hernandez. Furthermore, police had a warrant out for his arrest on charges of domestic violence.
There was a warrant for Hernandez's arrest.
2. Moving Out
According to Garcia’s sister, she had left the home she shared with Hernandez to escape the repeated fights the couple was having. She took her children and moved in with another family member as well as seeking protection from Hernandez.
Weltzin had left the couples home with their children.
3. Vanished
The day the couple vanished, Garcia left her cousin’s apartment without laying clothes for the r daughter or telling anyone where she was going. Family members became alarmed and reported her missing. At the same time, Hernandez sent alarming text messages to his family, saying he was sorry but not explaining why. Police were able to track Garcia’s phone to White Rock Lake, where they found Herndaez’s car abandoned, which struck police as odd.
One officer told reporters, “Things just don't add up with the car being abandoned here. It’s not a normal missing person type of scenario, so we just wanna make sure we're covering everything.”
There was a history of abuse in the relationship.
4. Search
A poster on Reddit asked for help finding Weltzin in the following please, saying "She was reported missing earlier today after her ex-boyfriend called his parents [sic] crying and asking for forgiveness. They have found his car and belongings around White Rock Lake, currently there is a search party gathering in the area. Please help us find her, she has small children and a very distraught twin sister.” The poster added later that the police had brought helicopters and dogs to aid in the search. She was still hoping to spread the word in the hopes of finding her friend.
Police eventually used boats, and horse mounted officers to search the area, as well as getting warrants for computers and electronic equaliement the couple owned, saying "We believe there might be some danger involved, being the past incident with an assault. Anything is possible, we just want to find them and hopefully they're both safe.”
Friends begged the internet for help in finding Weltzin.
5. Deaths
Ultimately, the search of White Rock Lake uncovered Hernadez’s remains. Police did not offer any details about his cause of death, though preliminary reports said there were no signs of trauma on his body. It was two months later, that authorities resounded to a call from a person saying they had seen a body in Mountain Creek Lake. Police were able to confirm that the body was Garcia. No cause of death has been released for Garcia but police are treating it as a homicide.
Hernandez was found dead weeks after disappearing.
6. Children
The couple’s children have been placed in the custody of Garcia’s twin sister, after a short time with a foster family. While this is a loving environment for them, it poses emotional challenges for everyone. Her sister says, “He’s thinking I’m his mom, but he’s little, you know,” she said. “He’s calling me mommy every time so it’s like very emotional for me, but I’m not gonna break down because I need to be strong for them and they need to know that everything is going to be okay.”
Weltzin leaves behind a twin sister.
If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 for help.
Rebekah Kuschmider has been writing about celebrities, pop culture, entertainment, and politics since 2010. Her work has been seen at Ravishly, Babble, Scary Mommy, The Mid, Redbook online, and The Broad Side. She is the creator of the blog Stay at Home Pundit and she is a cohost of the weekly podcast The More Perfect Union.