The Most Haunting Stories And Theories About 6 Missing Kids Who Disappeared Without A Trace
They were never found.

There's nothing quite as frustrating and heartbreaking as cases of disappearances — especially those involving children.
According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, there were 465,676 NCIC entries for missing children in 2016, 460,699 in 2015.
But that number isn't definite. Many children who go missing are unreported, making it nearly impossible that they'd ever be found.
While the cases with happy endings — like 11-year-old Jaycee Dugard who was held captive for 18 years and reunited with her family in 2009 — often gain the most national attention, not all children and families are that lucky.
Below are eight stories of children who have gone missing and were never heard from again:
1. Baby Lisa who was stolen out of her crib.
Lisa Bradley was only 10 months when she disappeared from her crib in Kansas City, Missouri in the middle of the night.
Her mother, Deborah Bradley, check on her daughter around 10:30 p.m., Oct. 3, 2011. That was the last time she saw her baby. When her father returned home from work At 4 a.m. the next day, Lisa's father discovered the front door unlocked, their cell phones stolen and his infant daughter missing.
Though the parents immediately called the police, detectives were suspicious of their story at first. Deborah said police accused her of being involved in Lisa's disappearance and of failing a polygraph test. Her parents believe Lisa was kidnapped and sold.
No arrests have ever been made.
Lisa has blue eyes and blond hair. She has a beauty mark on her right outer thigh and would be 6-years-old.
2. Sky Metalwala who's mother is still be questioned by police.
The story around 3-year-old Sky Metalwala's disappearance is one that police have been questioning for more than five years.
His mother, Julia Biryukova told police her son disappeared after she left him alone for an hour in a disabled car in Washington on Nov. 6, 2011. She said she was driving with Sky and her then 4-year-old daughter, Malie, when her car ran out of gas.
She said she and Malie walked about a mile to a nearby gas station, leaving Sky in the car. When they returned, he was gone.
Police have long believed that Julie was lying about her story, especially when a forensic examination of the vehicle later determined that the gas tank was not empty and the car had no mechanical problems. Sky's father, Solomon Metalwala, who is separated from his wife, also has said that he believes Julie was responsible for their son's disappearance.
She's never been arrested for the crime, and refuses to speak to investigators or the press.
To date, police have pursued more than 2,500 tips, dedicated 14,000 man hours, and spent more than $2 million dollars on the Sky Metalwala investigation.
Sky has brown eyes and black hair. He would be 9 years old today.
3. Kyron who went missing after a school science fair.
The then 7-year-old Kyron Horman was last seen June 4, 2010 leaving school after attending a science fair where he did his project on frogs. There were no signs of evidence surrounding the second grader's disappearance, but police turned their attention to Kyron's stepmother, Terri Horman, who had dropped him off at school that day in Portland, Oregon.
Police said she was a prime suspect, and Kryon's birth mother believes she knows what happened to her son. There were inconsistencies in her story to police, and she admitted to hating her stepson. Terri said she last saw him walking down the hallway at school towards his classroom.
The boy's father divorced Terri after being told that she had hired someone to kill him.
Police are still looking for Kyron to this day. He would be 14 years old.
4. Lindsey, who disappeared while walking home from a friend's house.
On June 26, 2009, 10-year-old Lindsey Baum vanished while walking home on a busy street from a friend's house. While police have spent countless hours and manpower searching for the young girl, she has never been found.
One of Lindsey's friends told police a man walked in on them in a park bathroom and disappeared on a bike shortly after. They also thought someone was following them in a white car.
Police say they have two suspects who lied about their whereabouts when they were first interviewed, but no arrests have been made.
Lindsey's mom, Melissa Baum, said her daughter made an eerie prediction before her disappearance.
"She said 'Mom, I just have this really bad feeling that something bad's going to happen,' and I said 'Like what? And she said 'I don't know, I just have a feeling.' She knew something was coming, but she didn't know what. And the next night she was gone."
Lindsey would be 18 years old.
5. Asha, who was last seen walking down the side of a highway.
On Valentine's Day in 2000, 9-year-old Asha Degree was last seen by her parents sleeping in her bed at 2:30 a.m. A motorist claimed to see the girl walking down a nearby highway at 4 a.m. Her backpack was found 18 months later, wrapped in trash bags about 26 miles away.
Police believe Asha simply packed her backpack and walked away in the middle of the night. They said several motorists passed her, but no one stopped to check on her.
Last year, detectives received information that someone matching Asha’s description might have been seen getting into an early-1970s Lincoln Mark IV or Ford Thunderbird, dark green, with rust around the wheel wells. Police are still unsure if the tip is viable.
Asha would be 26 years old today.
6. Patrick and David, who haven't been seen in 20 years.
Still thought of as one of the most notorious cases of missing children in U.K. history, the disappearances of 11-year-old Patrick Warren and 13-year-old David Spencer are still unsolved.
The boys were last seen at a petrol station after midnight Dec. 27 1996. An employee remembers giving them a packet of biscuits. They were reported missing the next day, and Patrick's bike — which was his Christmas present — was later discovered hidden in an area used for storing commercial bins behind the petrol station.
While there have been some promising leads, police have no clear answer on what happened to the boys, although they are presumed to be dead.