How To Make The Threesome Of Your Dreams A Reality
Without all the awkward stuff.

So you've decided to have a threesome.
Please strap in (and strap it on, should you feel so inclined) and prepare to enjoy the sexual adventure of a lifetime, or, at least, like, of this sex-calendar year.
Assuming you've already set your ground rules with your partner and made it clear that either one of you is allowed to change your mind at any time for any reason about this encounter (communication, it's a bitch, but it's the trade-off you make if you want to explore the sex holes of others), now you have to embark on the daunting quest of actually FINDING that third person to bring into your bedroom.
Deciding to have a threesome is an exciting challenge, finding someone to get into your bed (and into your vagina, if you have one) is a challenge, but it's definitely not as exciting. Because let's be real, when it comes to finding that third party who is down to clown, your options are pretty limited.
You can ask a friend and risk the potential humiliation of that friend freaking out and saying no, or risk the trauma of that friend saying yes and then you guys have sex and then things being weird, so maybe don't ask a friend.
Other options included hiring a professional in places where that is legal or using a dating app in the hopes that somewhere in that sea of women looking for true love you happen to find the eager slut of your dreams.
Yeah, it's tough.
That's why I love the idea of this new app called 3somer.
Rather than trying to make you and your partner's needs fit into the narrow parameters of most dating sites, 3somer is designed for folks who are specifically looking for a threesome. In an age where I order both sandwiches and birth control via apps on my phone it only makes sense that I'd outsource my threesome hunting needs to a specific app, too.
That said, don't expect it to be entirely smooth sailing.
Because the site is open to anyone over the age of 18, if you're a woman on the site prepare to get hit up by dudes who assume that wanting a threesome means you're also game for having sex with them alone, because clearly having stated a desire to experience a threesome means you're also willing to participate in whatever sexual fantasies they have cooked up.
Men, sometimes they are the worst, right?
The key to using this app successfully is to approach it with the same mindset you'd have arranging a threesome in real life: be smart, be safe, and communicate.
As someone who has engaged in her fair share of threesomes before, I will say that keeping stuff on an app for too long can sometimes ruin things, so don't drag that noise out.
Meet in real life, not for sex, get dinner first, see how it goes and just like you would on any other date, go from there!