OMG! Oprah Winfrey Might Run For President In 2020

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Oprah Winfrey For President 2020?! YouTube

Whoa! Oprah Winfrey for President 2020? Count me IN! But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. At this juncture, it’s only talk.

Still, it was a shock to me when I woke up this morning to see the news that Oprah may be considering a run for the Oval Office.

I had remembered watching an Oprah interview (I watch ALL her interviews, don’t you?) where she was asked by late night host Stephen Colbert if she would think about running. She responded, “Never … It’s not my thing.”


You can watch the full interview here (it’s actually pretty entertaining!): 

Never say never, I guess!

In an interview for the second season premiere of The David Rubenstein Show: Peer-To-Peer Conversations on Bloomberg TV taped on December 12, 2016 (when we still had Obama in the White House — COME BACK!), Oprah Winfrey had a slightly different take on the presidency post-Trump than she has had in the past. 


Before The Donald took office, Oprah thought she would be unqualified to be president. Now, all that has changed. 

She told Rubenstein:

“I actually never thought that that was — I never considered the question, even a possibility … I thought, 'Oh, gee, I don't have experience. I don't know enough. I don’t …' And now I'm thinking, 'Oh ... Oh!'"

Because we ALL know experience is no longer required. Am I right?

Here's the clip:

If Oprah Winfrey were to run — and win — she would be the first female President of the United States of America. She would break the ultimate glass ceiling.


But that wouldn’t even be the whole of it. 


She wouldn’t just break that ceiling, she would demolish it.

And who better than Oprah?

She’s not just a talk show host or a woman with her own TV network, but a philanthropist, entrepreneur, magazine owner, mentor, and inspirational model of the "American dream" for billions of people from all walks of like.

During the interview Oprah recalled a conversation she had with poet Maya Angelou when she first opened her namesake all-girls school in South Africa, The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy For Girls, to help educate students that come from impoverished backgrounds. Oprah shared the following details:


“'I remember when I started the school, I said to my beloved friend Maya Angelou, I said: 'Maya, I'm so, I'm just so proud that I was going to be able to create this school.' I said, 'This is going to be my greatest legacy.' And Maya said to me, 'You have no idea. You have no idea what your legacy will be ... because your legacy is every life you've touched.'"

It seems the wise Angelou may very well be right.  

So ... ummm ... no pressure but when can I cast my vote?