20 Of Twitter's Most Crazy (And HILARIOUS) Dating Deal Breakers
What's YOUR deal breaker?

We all have deal breakers when it comes to dating. Some people's deal breakers aren't SO bad (like making sure your boyfriend washes semi-regularly or making sure you share the same values). Others' deal breakers look like a laundry list of things you shouldn't do.
When you think about your deal breakers or discuss them with your girl friends, they're probably pretty realistic, right? They are simple things that you just don't want to deal with in a relationship, so you use them as guidelines for finding the right person to date.
Maybe you even advertise these deal breakers all over Tinder and your other dating apps and sites in hopes that it might somehow keep the crazy away ... or maybe you keep yours as a little mental list when you meet someone new.
However you do it, your deal breakers are tried and true, and most of all they are reasonable enough for you to follow during dating.
Unfortunately, not all of us are so reasonable when it comes to relationships, though. #DealBreakerIn3Words is currently a trending topic on Twitter and when it's not totally relatable and true, it's FAR too funny for words.
People have been sharing their deal breakers complete with memes, video clips, and reaction images — which is exactly why we LOVE Twitter and all the crazy hashtags it inspires.
Sure, the hashtag isn't always truthful, but they ARE always hilarious, and really, that's all that matters on Twitter. The best part? Well-known companies are getting into the fun, too, which makes this short fad even better.
So we rounded up some of our favorite #DealBreakerIn3Words quotes here for you to enjoy, because like us, we know you love scouring Twitter for hilarious tweets (and sometimes playing along with the trending hashtags, too). And hey, you might even agree with some of these after all.
#DealBreakerIn3Words Hags Offering Apples pic.twitter.com/PgE9LdHMnK
— PervWithAHeartOfGold (@PervHeartOfGold) August 31, 2016
It costs money#DealBreakerIn3Words — Christine WorldWeary (@googlygirl98) August 31, 2016
Crocs and socks #DealBreakerIn3Words
— Theresa (@tlcprincess) August 31, 2016
"Can't pronounce quinoa." #DealBreakerIn3Words — Whole Foods Market (@WholeFoods) August 31, 2016
Doesn't like TWD #DealBreakerIn3Words #TheWalkingDead pic.twitter.com/flb69qxCVi
— The Walking Dead (@TheWalkingDead) August 31, 2016
"I never read" #DealBreakerIn3Words pic.twitter.com/AiAb7VTsgM — Random House (@randomhouse) August 31, 2016
You support Trump? #DealBreakerIn3Words
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) August 31, 2016
Make America Great..#DealBreakerIn3Words — Famous Anus (@Mainly_Aidan) August 31, 2016
"I hate pizza." #DealBreakerIn3Words
— Tinder (@Tinder) August 31, 2016
"Pokemon is lame."#DealBreakerIn3Words — Ryan Riesling (@RyanRiesling) August 31, 2016
Treating women disrespectfully. #DealBreakerIn3Words
— David Murphy (@InLifeOnPurpose) August 31, 2016
I don't vote. #DealBreakerIn3Words — Afra Hamid (@AfraHamid) August 31, 2016
"I prefer cats" #DealBreakerIn3Words pic.twitter.com/x5JOCnraap
— Benson the Springer (@springer_fun) August 31, 2016
There's no chocolate #DealBreakerIn3Words — Mimms McCann ♕ (@mimmsmccann) August 31, 2016
Aliens don't exist. pic.twitter.com/0fCHyr0lzT— fox mulder's intern (@thenewrookie) August 31, 2016
"Tested on animals" #DealBreakerIn3Words pic.twitter.com/tpe6iebjFE — Stephanie (@cinemansugar) August 31, 2016
"I hate cats." #DealBreakerIn3Words pic.twitter.com/IPTaWvZcSL
— CK (@charley_ck14) August 31, 2016
#DealBreakerIn3Words: "They're for me." pic.twitter.com/fko6jxccaQ — krispykreme (@krispykreme) August 31, 2016
Doesn't like dogs #DealBreakerIn3Words pic.twitter.com/RZrCEes0QM
— Brenden Dilley (@Hublife) August 31, 2016
Is this decaf? #DealBreakerIn3Words — Jeff Dwoskin (@bigmacher) August 31, 2016