How To Deep Throat Like A Porn Star (So He'll Never Forget You)
Get ready to blow his mind. Figuratively.

When you see a person in porn deep throat a guy's penis, it can seem like a truly impossible feat for a regular ol' mortal woman to accomplish.
But it's actually not as hard as it seems. Learning how to deep throat is the key to giving a sensational blow job, and I think most guys would agree with me.
To deep throat like a pro, there are a few things you need to remember. I've broken them down into 6 easy steps.
But prepare yourself, everything you knew about how to deep throat is about to go out the window:
1. Practicing is important
Deep throating isn't your average blow job where all you have to worry about (really) is the placement of your teeth.
In order to correctly deep throat a penis so it's pleasing to both him and you, try out your technique on a vibrator or a piece of fruit.
It's tempting to roll your eyes, and I get that. The idea of going to town on a vibrator in your home seems cheesy as heck, but the truth is, if you don't practice beforehand you will have no idea what your gag reflex is like.
For some women, the gag reflex is extremely sensitive, others, not so much. Test at home over time and see where you fall on the spectrum.
If your gag reflex is really, really sensitive, don't worry. That's what practice is all about.
Use a vibrator or veggie in five minute increments to build up your tolerance. A little gagging is fine, but you want to make sure his penis remains puke free.
2. Warm ups are necessary for you and him
Once you've mastered your practice sessions, the temptation to immediately go straight to the penis will be intense, but cool your jets. His penis is not your vibrator, there's going to be a learning curve (and possibly a penis curve), so give yourself time.
Warm each other up, makes sure he's aroused AND you're aroused.
When you begin your blowjob, don't blow the surprise by deep throating him immediately. Begin as usual, increasing speed and pressure. There's no need to jump to straight into the deep end.
3. Conquer your gag reflex
True story, some guys actually really like the sound of a woman gagging on their penis. That's why you see (and hear) porn stars in movies gagging when they deep throat. I mean come on, it's not from lack of experience.
You want to work with your gag reflex and not against it. In order to deep throat like a pro, make sure your throat and lips are as relaxed as possible. If you're tired it's okay to take breaks to resituate yourself and rehydrate. When you deep throat, it's about enthusiasm. If you're not feeling it, neither will he.
If you really feel like you're going to throw up, stop what you're doing. There's even a great trick to control gagging and it involves making a special kind of fist with your hand. Seriously, that's it. Pretty cool, right?
4. Remember to breathe
In the heat of the moment it's easy to forget to do things that we otherwise do without even having to think. Here I'm talking specifically about breathing.
Yeah, it's not easy to breathe with a penis in your mouth, I know.
Remember to pause and catch yourself when you feel your gag reflex taking over, or your jaw tiring out. While you pause, remember to just breathe in and out through your mouth. It's amazing how much difference a little bit of oxygen makes.
5. Save it for the finale
Try to save your newly learned deep throat skills until right before he comes. To him it will translate as a true hunger for his penis, and to a man there's nothing hotter.
If you are practicing with a long term partner, you might have a strong sense of when they are about to erupt. Use your porn star-worthy deep throat skills at this moment to drive him over the edge. Be prepared to swallow.
6. Eye contact is always your friend
You'll read this bit of advice on every article out there about how to give a good blowjob — and that's because it's so damn true. But it goes double for learning how to deep throat.
Don't forget to look him in the eyes. There's nothing hotter to a man than a woman who knows she's in control, who is all about the penis she's working, and who isn't afraid to embrace her sexuality.
You can be a total deep throat novice and still pull this move off with him thinking you've been doing it for years.
Go forth, and gag, my friends!