20 Hilarious Quotes That Prove There's No Such Thing As 'Adulting'

The only good thing about growing up are adulting quotes. Truth.

  • Anonymous (not verified)

Written on Jul 25, 2021

 20 Adulting Quotes That Prove It's Not All It's Cracked Up To Be YourTango

Adulting quotes are so #relateable it hurts. Nothing in life prepares you for the responsibility that comes along with being an adult.

We'd all like to think we're ready to take that plunge into adulthood when in reality no one is. 

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So you keep doing you and stumbling upon ways to make life work for yourself. In the meantime, please enjoy these totally relatable funny quotes and adulting quotes.

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1. "Adulthood is like looking both ways before you cross the street and then getting hit by an airplane." — Joe King

adulthood is like adulting quotes


2. "With enough coffee I can dress myself and use my grownup manners." — Imma Hog

with enough adulting quotes


3. "I don't run from my problems. I sit on my couch, play on my phone and ignore them like all other adults." — Imma Hog

i dont run adulting quotes


4. "That horrifying moment when you're looking for an adult, but you realize you are an adult. So you look around for an older adult. An adultier adult. Someone better at adulting than you." — Horace Cope

that horrifying moment adulting quotes


5. "Drink some coffee and pretend you know what you're doing." — Crystal Ball

drink some adulting quotes


6. "I'm done adulting. Let's be mermaids." — Brighton Early

im done adulting quotes


7. "I just wanna crochet and ignore all my adult problems." — Holly Wood

i just wanna crochet adulting quotes


8. "I may be an adult but I'm really more of an adult cat. Someone probably should take care of me but I can sorta make it on my own." — Heywood U. Cuddleme

i may be an adult but adulting quotes


9. "My favorite childhood memory is not paying bills." — Doris Shutt

my favorite adulting quotes


10. "I wish it was socially acceptable to throw water balloons at people who annoy me. Like, I don't want to hurt you, but I do want to ruin your day." — Arty Fischel

i wish it was socially adulting quotes


11. "I have been putting a lot of thought into it and I just don't think being an adult is gonna work for me." — Drew A. Head

i have been adulting quotes


12. "I officially resign from adulthood. Decisions will be made using the eenie-meenie-minie-moe method and arguments will be settled by sticking out my tongue. I'll be at recess if you need me." — Anita Bath

i officially adulting quotes


13. "Adulthood is like the vet, and we're all the dogs that were excited for the car ride until we realized where we're going." — Anita Room

adulthood is like the vet adulting quotes


14. "I have decided that I no longer want to be an adult ... If anyone needs me, I will be in my blanket fort ... coloring" — Al E. Gater

i have decided adulting quotes


15. "Coffee because adulting is hard." — Frank N. Stein

coffee because adulting quotes


16. "Shout out to everyone who got through the day without taking a nap. Pulled an all-dayer today. Pretty rough." — Shirley U. Care

shout out adulting quotes


17. "So it turns out that being an adult is most googling how to do stuff." — Comb Over

so it turns adulting quotes


18. "I walk around like everything's fine, but deep down ... in my shoe, my sock is falling off." — Imma Hog

i walk adulting quotes

19. "If it requires fake smiling, I’m not going!" — Imma Pest

if it requires adulting quotes


20. "Favorite childhood memory: not paying bills." — Drew A. Head

favorite adulting quotes

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Tess Griman is a writer whose work focuses on relationships, astrology, and pop culture.