Crushing Celeb Breakups That Changed How We Look At Love

When these celebrity splits became public, you screamed, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Amy Poehler and Will Arnett

Does love exist?

Your answer just might be on the Debbie Downer side of that question after you revisit these gut-wrenching celebrity breakups.

At the time of these splits, we were only able to make it through with the help of Rocky Road, some Taylor Swift tunes, and our favorite jammies. And yet, we still yearn for the days when we'd see these couples walk the red carpet together. As some say, it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. But those people are wrong!


These relationships have made us cynics for future A-List pairings. On top of that, if they couldn't make it work, what chance do we stand?

We'll give you a second to grab a box of tissues before you relive the heartache.

1.Amy Poehler and Will Arnett We took to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and every other social media outlet to share our heartbroken feelings when news hit of this hilarious duo's divorce The only way we got through this was knowing Amy had her bestie Tina to lean on. After some time as a single lady, Poehler is back in relationship-mode with the one and only Douche (aka Nick Kroll) from her hit show, Parks & Recreation. You stay happy, you crazy kids!


2.Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt Hollywood's Golden Couple (no, really, they truly are golden from head to toe!) called it quits in after 4.5 years of marriage. Almost 10 years later and we still can't forget the pain of their divorce. Soon after, Brad confirmed his relationship with Angelina Jolie — who's, you know, basically the polar opposite of Jen. Guess we can't say Brad has a type.


3.Heidi Klum and Seal After amazing annual Halloween parties and vow renewals, we believed that the couple who celebrates together, stays together Oh, how we were wrong. Heidi then boffed the bodyguard and Seal found inspiration for a new album (we hope!).


4.Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake We will never forget These teens were the king and queen of the late 90s and early 00s. They even had matching denim outfits for the 2001 American Music Awards. Now, if the couple that wears that and pulls it off can't stay together, what hope is there for the rest of us?

5.Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey And they said it wouldn't last These Newlyweds were one of the first couples to be hit by the reality TV divorce curse. In their company, we can include Jon and Kate, various Real Housewives relationships, Kris and Bruce Jenner, Britney and K-Fed, and many more. Lesson learned? Don't film your love.


6.Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder Sure, at almost every job, dating a colleague would be frowned upon But Nian seemed to be the exception to the rule! Until 2013 — the year that will forever be known to us as the one when vampire love died forever. Yes, even more than your failed romance, Kristen and Robert. But we're still fighting for a reunited romance. And the fact that their Vampire Diaries characters are so on-and-off may bode well for that reignited spark!

7.Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling Well, duh As if we could make this list without these two! We still don't quite understand how we're surviving in a world in which Rachel and Ryan are not madly in love. Rumors suggest they're giving it another go, but all we want is a public confirmation! In the words of Tyra Banks, we're all rooting for you!


8.Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins For a while there, we thought avoiding marriage might be the key to their years of success. But in 2009, all that went down the toilet when they announced their split. If love disappears after 23 years (and two kids!), how can we expect that true love will last for us? #discouraging