How To Have Romantic Sex That Isn't Wham-Bam-Thank-You-Ma'am

Juicy stats about foreplay, public sex and threesomes.

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Every woman dreams of having a romantic evening with her partner, but before you begin dropping your boyfriend subtle hints about a desire for flowers, remember that romance is much more than a dozen roses. Sure, sweet gestures are nice, but sex is even better.

Luckily, we're in the height of the summer, the season for real hot-and-steamy sessions in the sack (and outside of it). And as with any party, if you're going to celebrate you've got to do it big, so consider these suggestions about how to have romantic sex from a LifeStyles Condoms Sexual Satisfaction survey.


"A sunny and warm environment is more conducive to socializing," says Carol Carrozza, VP of Marketing for LifeStyles. "And this increased social activity, combined with an increase in hormones, leads to a flurry of summertime sex."

So, here's how to have romantic sex and improve intimacy with your partner, year-round.


1. Make sure your partner has an orgasm.

Having romantic sex all comes down to one letter: O. Yes, orgasm, folks. To make sure climax happens, be sure to focus on your foreplay; for 41 percent of women, it's the best part of a romp in the sheets. Even better news for ladies: 35 percent of men say making their partner orgasm is the best part of sex. Now that's romantic.


2. Have sex in public.

Hey, it's summertime! No need to keep yourself cooped up indoors. In fact, 52 percent of ladies and 58 percent of guys admitted they'd love to try sex in a public place, even if it meant others could see them.

Of course, if you're concerned about your privacy, there's always the comfort of your very own back yard. And hey, if your neighbors spot you, don't sweat it — they likely had outdoor sex at least once, as 60 percent of women and 55 percent of men surveyed have done the deed outside before. Trying something new together will definitely keep the romance going.


3. Add another person to the bedroom.

They say two is company and three is a crowd; well, three is definitely a crowd... unless it's been your partner's long-time dream to invite a third person into your sex life. If you're definitely not okay with it, then steer clear of threesomes.


Men, before you try to coerce your partner into trying it anyway, consider the following: Although 41 percent of women said they'd be willing to try a threesome, less than 1 in 10 of those who have had one actually enjoyed it.