Give Good Sext: 7 Ways To Make Him Lust HARD For You Via Text

Don't press send just yet.

Ways To Make Him Lust weheartit

No matter how old you are, chances are you've engaged in the sexting trend. Sexting is sending a somewhat naughty text to someone in hopes of revving up their engine.

Whether flirting with the new guy in your life or wanting to heat things up in your long-term relationship, a strategic sext is a great way to lure your crush or partner in. It's also a great way to initiate dirty talk into your repertoire if the idea of saying the words in person make you somewhat nervous.


By following these tips, you'll be geared up to give good sext in no time.

1. Don't use abbreviations.

Part of the reason why sexting is so hot is because when you read a sext, it's as if the sender is talking dirty to you. This is why it's important to use full words and speak verbatim. During sex, you would never use abbreviations to talk to dirty, so don't use them in a sext to cut back letters.

It takes away from the whole point of sexting. Oh, and it also makes you look lazy. And if someone wants to bed you, they would rather know you will go the extra mile. Rule of thumb: Type it just as you would say it.


2. Refrain from using big words.

The whole point of sexting is to be flirtatious and tempt him with words to make him crave you. Using big words or innuendos might throw him off, especially when the dude has no idea what the hell you're talking about. Save innuendos, lines, and big words for the texts you send your friends. The more direct and clear your words and intentions are, the better.

3. Be playful with your word choice.

Nothing captures someone's attention like quick wit. Use a pun when possible when initiating. This will throw him off, because what you say can have double meaning.


For example, if he's describing a new item he just bought, you can ask, "How big is it? ;)" If he's into you, he'll interpret it the naughty way, therefore making him initiate the actual sexting if he's into it. This puts the ball in his court — just where you want it to be.

4. Proofread your sext before sending.

The second you send a sext with a misspelled word (or a word that wasn't meant to be shared in the first place) is the same second you ruin the mood. It's a total buzz kill, and even if you make a joke out of it, that caught-up, steamy mode you were both in totally changes. Before pressing send, re-read your text and be wary of auto-correct and misspelled words.

5. Know your audience.


Being on the recipient end of a sext is rather ego-boosting, and when people get a steamy sext message they are likely to want to "show off" by sharing it with friends. Before you send a sext, keep in mind that there's potential for it to be shared amongst your guy's friends.

Don't say anything too incriminating, and don't send something that you wouldn't want someone else to hear (or associate you with). Keep it tame if you're concerned.

6. Recognize when it's time to stop.

If you've had some back and forth banter and then, out of nowhere, the recipient stops responding, let it go. If you text, "Why did you stop messaging?" "Where did you go?" or "Why did you leave me high and dry?" you not only come off looking desperate, but a bit aggressive, too.


When trying to keep someone interested, know that the power lies with the one who ends the conversation first. Just like you wouldn't overstay your welcome at a party or event, get out of the conversation when you no longer have much to say or it's starting to drag on.

7. When all is said and done, delete your history.

When you keep various message windows open in your phone or have various texts stored, you run the risk of accidentally sending the sext to the wrong person. I once sexted a guy who donned the same name as my brother-in-law. I didn't realize I sent it to the wrong person until the morning after, when my brother-in-law texted me saying "Good night? ;)" By deleting other conversations, you don't run the risk of your sext getting into the wrong hands.
