5 Ways To Choose Lingerie Your Man Will LUST Over Like An Animal
When it comes to lingerie, sometimes less is more. No pun intended.

Want a guy's opinion on your lingerie drawer, pushup bras, Bridget Jones panties and all? We asked dating blogger Abraham Lloyd for a man's take on our undergarments and how to choose lingerie that men love. Here's his advice:
1. Keep the colors simple.
Black, white, or with a hint of color to accentuate curves and shape is hot, elegant, and feeds the mood. Bright or skin-toned colors aren't. We want to see what you're wearing and follow the curves of your body with our eyes. Anything that distracts from this is, well ... less than ideal. When in doubt, basic black will always look chic and sexy without trying too hard.
2. Make sure it fits well, and don't force sizes.
It's important that you feel great in your outfit, and it's hard to do that when you're adjusting straps, readjusting a thong, or scratching because your outfit itches. Pulling, picking and scratching are things we notice from a block away. Just like fashion trends aren't all created equal, not every lingerie style will flatter your fab figure. If it feels uncomfortable, it will look uncomfortable, too.
3. Don't wear anything that's complicated to take off.
Attempting to take off complicated garments that we may not know how to remove can kill a mood quicker than asking "How do I take this off?" Don't assume that we know how to unbuckle, unsnap, untie, or unzip in the right order to get you naked. Instead, keep it simple, or keep it complicated and take it off yourself. Watching a women undress after foreplay is amazing.
4. Remember the accessories.
To take your boudoir dressing up a level, accessorize with shoes or jewelry. The only thing sexier than a woman in lingerie is a woman in lingerie with sexy heels wearing a necklace that doesn't come off when everything else does. Every time he sees you in your accessory of choice, he'll be thinking about what you're wearing underneath.
5. Know how to flatter and accentuate the shape of your body.
Wear what makes you look and feel beautiful, sexy and confident. On the flip side, don't try to wear something that doesn't flatter your body. Remember that men process things visually: we don't read that much into subtext, effort or intent. In the end, wear what makes you look amazing versus putting on what you think we want you to wear. We want two things: you to look sexy, and for us to get excited by seeing you that way.