Abuse / Survivors of Abuse, ADD/ADHD, Anxiety Issues, Body Image, Business Management, Bipolar Disorder, Chronic Pain/Disability or Illness, Communication Problems, Dating/Being Single Support, Depression, Empowering Men, Empowering Women, Financial Well Being, Happiness, Life Transitions, Relationships, Self-Esteem, Stress Management, Suicide, Wellness



Additional Expertise

Chiropractor, Leadership Coach, Personal Development Coach, Relationship Coach, Speaker/Presenter

About Dain Heer

My name is Dain Heer and I’m so glad you’re taking the time to discover what else is possible for you. I don’t have any answers for you though, just questions.

I am an author, speaker, life, relationship, business and leadership coach, and facilitator of consciousness and change. I’m the Co-creator of Access Consciousness and was originally trained as a chiropractor.

What is true for you? The past fifteen years I’ve been facilitating people with tools and processes that change their relationships, their bodies and their entire lives. Would you be willing to find out who you truly be?

I’ve been lucky enough to work with thousands of people from all over the world–brave, beautiful beings that have chosen to explore what it is like to lead a life in consciousness, receiving everything and judging nothing. What would that be like for you? Just tap into that energy for a second…

I was a Network Chiropractor in California at the time, and engaged to be married.  In my practice, I was frustrated by all the existing modalities and techniques I had been taught. They all seemed to provide only temporary relief and change for my clients…

I had gotten to a point where I had everything that was supposed to make a person happy – and it had absolutely no value to me.

I had tried every single modality for inner peace I could find, but I was still dying inside. I was so deeply unhappy I was considering suicide. I even set a date.

I gave the Universe six months to change my life…. One week later I came into contact with Access Consciousness and the tools and techniques that changed my life.

These are the tools I would like to get into your hands - so you can began to change ANYTHING.

This isn't about anything you have to believe. It’s about YOU.

It’s about you claiming you and releasing the judgments, conclusions and thoughts that make being you a difficulty or impossibility.

My life completely changed within 12 months, and it continues to, even more dynamically, sixteen years later. What would you be willing to receive?

I’m not some guru asking you to follow me. I am probably a lot like you: someone who KNOWS there has to be more.

So my friend, please consider this an invitation to the life that you always knew could exist, but never knew how to make happen. This is a totally different toolbox that will help you generate a totally different life.

Are you ready? Are you willing to be you and change the world?

Warm regards,

Dain Heer

Dain Heer Articles