Pregnant Woman Tapes Melons To Her Boyfriend’s Body So He Can Feel What It's Like To Be Pregnant — 'Women, Y'all Are Soldiers'
He struggled to accomplish the simplest activities that pregnant women do daily.

A pregnant woman decided to teach her boyfriend an important lesson about the reality of bearing a child by taping melons to his chest and torso.
The silly experiment consisted of her giving him simple tasks to complete, like putting on clothes and tying his shoes, so he could grasp a fragment of the challenges pregnant women face on a daily basis.
The couple took to TikTok to document the boyfriend’s day in the life of a pregnant woman in her third trimester.
Laro Benz, the boyfriend, posted the video from his account. The video began with Sachi, Benz’s pregnant girlfriend, taping two cantaloupes to his chest, signifying a woman’s breasts, and one watermelon over his stomach, representing the pregnant belly.
His first test was picking up a water bottle Sachi dropped on the floor, which resulted in him falling to the ground belly-first. With each additional test, Benz’s restlessness grew further, offering him an ounce of perspective on the challenges pregnant women experience regularly. He fell over and yelped in pain repeatedly, struggling to balance his weight while completing the simple tasks.
Benz and Sachi laughed hysterically at Benz’s helplessness and inability to function throughout each test.
Sachi instructed him to tie his shoes while sitting down, and he was already breathing heavily from exhaustion. She had him get in and out of bed and pretend to shave his legs in the shower, and Benz was unable to successfully accomplish any of these tasks.
“I’m so sorry for giving you any problems,” he expressed candidly with painful laughter. “I’m so overwhelmed in the past two minutes.”
To take it one step further, in another video, Sachi taped a larger watermelon to Benz’s chest.
TikTokers in the comments laughed over Benz’s frequent falls and apologies, some claiming he would have “crushed” his watermelon baby by now. Others stated the size of the watermelon didn't replicate a real pregnancy.
“Since y’all said it wasn’t a real third-trimester belly, we’ve got a bigger watermelon; let’s get it,” Sachi began the next video. “My lower back hurts,” Benz’s whined in response.
The video demonstrated an additional set of activities featuring a more accurate portrayal of the third trimester of pregnancy. If Benz thought he struggled the first time, he was in for a rude awakening.
The gift of reproduction is a blessing, but it can also take a massive toll on a woman’s body. The process of growing a baby comes with a myriad of additional bodily changes and risks, from morning sickness to hormonal mood swings to potential infections.
It’s also not uncommon for women to frequently fall over due to a lack of balance and a pronounced curve in their posture.
Benz and Sachi’s experiment offered individuals a humorous lesson on the reality behind pregnancy.
Humor and amusement aside, many viewers were pleased by Benz’s efforts to understand what it feels like to be pregnant.
“I adore men who are willing to put themselves in these silly little simulations to gain any ounce of perspective. No, it's not real or perfect, but the men who try to understand are THE BEST!” one person commented on X.
Others were saddened by men's lack of empathy for their pregnant girlfriends and wives despite the boundless empathy women exhibit for others. Ironically, women deserve the most empathy of all for managing to endure such painful circumstances, whether from pregnancy or menstruation.
Benz and Sachi’s videos certainly made many laugh, but they also offered an important lesson for men. Benz’s bravery in embracing the simulation of what his girlfriend goes through daily only represented a fraction of the bravery women willingly and valiantly endure the long nine months it takes to grow a baby.
If there’s anything men can learn from this experiment, it’s to be more mindful of their pregnant partners and recognize the challenges these women face regularly from the simplest activities.
Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. She covers lifestyle, human-interest, adventure, and spirituality topics.