Woman Excited To Pick Up Her Dog From Doggy Daycare Gets An Unexpected Report
We can't help but love our pets, even on their naughty days.

Dog mom Lia White thought she was going to record an adorable TikTok featuring a reunion with her pup after a day at doggy daycare, but what she got was a reminder that even our best furry friends can get themselves into all kinds of mischief.
White got an unexpected behavior report after picking her dog up from daycare.
“She was a lot today,” the doggy daycare worker told White, who was secretly recording the exchange. What she hoped would be a cute video of an excited pooch greeting her owner suddenly felt a lot more like a trip to the principal's office.
“We had to put her by herself. She was instigating with other dogs, and some of them definitely didn’t want to play with her … but she just kept going.”
White was expecting a wholesome “report card” from her dog’s stay, complete with pictures of her new friends, playtime, and her fun activities throughout the day.
However, the daycare workers gave her an unexpected report. Not only had she been “naughty,” but she’d also been put in time out.
After ‘instigating’ other dogs and being extra wild during playtime, her dog was separated from the other pups.
“This afternoon, she was by herself,” the worker continued, “for a bit. She still went outside and everything, but I just had to take her away for a bit today.”
Of course, all high-energy dogs need exercise, but depending on their breed and temperament, that can look different for each unique animal — for this woman’s dog, it meant playing outside alone.
While the doggy daycare interaction was “awkward,” other owners supported White in the comments, admitting their own sweet, loving dogs have been troublemakers a time or two. It's only natural!
“My dog’s doggy daycare report card has always been straight F’s,” one honestly admitted. “They told me they had to separate him … He learned how to release the dogs from the play area, and apparently, he wouldn’t stop doing it.”
Olya_m / Shutterstock.com
Like a toddler or even an angsty teenager, dogs’ personalities aren’t always happily goofy — but that’s why we love them, right? Sometimes, they’re equally mischievous and naughty. Of course, like any other discussion of dogs’ behavior and animal parenting online, there’s also inevitably going to be debates — was this daycare in the wrong? Could this dog mom be training her dog better?
“You might need a higher skilled daycare,” one person wrote, “or a trainer to help support your dog’s high energy levels … too much stimulation from constant playing can make a dog reactive.”
Experts have also weighed in on the debate, suggesting that this doggy daycare actually did the right thing putting her dog in time out — even if it meant separating them from the pack.
White was grateful her daycare was honest about her dog’s behavior — ‘I just had no idea what to say.’
“I’m glad she told me,” White shared in the comments. “I’m sure it’s awkward for her too, but she was very professional about it.”
This doggy daycare seemed to do everything right. The owners were brutally honest and extremely cognizant of their dogs’ general well-being.
“Did you know that doggy daycare can cause a host of terrible behaviors in your dog?” dog trainer @insideoutdogtraining on TikTok shared. “Most people are thinking, ‘Hey, I have a hyperactive dog, let me send them off to daycare where they can play all day.’ But, after a month of daycare, they come home with these huge compulsive issues, over-arousal, and defensiveness.”
So, what’s the key to finding a good doggy daycare? Or better yet, preparing your dog for daycare with training? The answer: instill periods of rest into your dog’s playtime, according to this dog trainer. “Every day, [my daycare] does two hours of nap time. I do allow high energy levels during play, but I won’t allow it for very long.”
Dogs occasionally misbehave, even if they are perfectly trained. The truth is that this daycare did its due diligence. Not only did it ensure the safety of her dog and all the other dogs, but it also addressed the issue with care.
Zayda Slabbekoorn is a News & Entertainment Writer at YourTango who focuses on health & wellness, social policy, and human interest stories.