What Your Sock Drawer Bizarrely Reveals About Your Personality
Who knew!?

First impressions can't account for everything, you know. You may come home from a date with a truly wonderful guy.
He seems like he's just got everything together: a promising career, a steady income, a nice apartment, and he actually calls you the very next day. You know, everything that could make you go weak in the knees and swoon.
But even the most detail-oriented men (and women) of the world may be tucking a dirty little secret into their drawers ... their sock drawers, that is.
Who would have known that a person's sock drawer could tell you so much about them? As it turns out, one's sock drawer may be able to give you more insight into their lives than even their phone can.
And in a surprising twist, it's usually the most fastidious people who have the most disorganized sock drawers. We bet you never saw that one coming.
Yes, the most meticulous and structured people have the messiest sock drawers, at least according to a 2011 study done on Chemistry.com. But that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Biological anthropologist and chief scientific advisor to the dating website, Dr. Helen Fisher, says, "An organized sock drawer can reveal a lot about a person's personality and biology. From my studies on temperament with Chemistry.com, I have found that the Builder type, who are typically orderly, conventional, respectful of the rules and detail-oriented, have the messiest sock drawers."
She goes on to explain, "And the Director personality type (expressive of testosterone and predominantly male) are actually the most particular about the state of their sock drawers. It's very revealing that the Builder type appears to be so meticulous to friends and neighbors, but behind closed doors, it's a whole different story."
Wow! Better watch out for those builder types, ladies. They're hiding quite the messy little secret in their sock drawer.
The experts at Chemistry.com even went so far as to make a list of the cities with the messiest sock collections. Surprisingly, many of them are clustered in certain geographic regions, (we're looking at you, Arkansas, and Alabama).
Here are the top 10 messiest sock drawer cities:
- Charleston, WV
- Cedar Rapids, IA
- Fort Smith, AR
- Paducah, KY
- Little Rock, AR
- South Bend, IN
- Oklahoma City, OK
- Birmingham, AL
- Huntsville, AL
- Des Moines, IA
So ladies, if you're on a promising date with a dude from one of these cities, and find yourself back at his place, you might want to take a peek into his sock drawer.
And here are the most organized sock drawer locales:
- Miami, FL
- West Palm Beach, FL
- Ft. Meyers, FL
- Tampa, FL
- Orlando, FL
- San Diego, CA
- Las Vegas, NV
- New York, NY
- Los Angeles, CA
- Phoenix, AZ
If you find an unorganized mess of unmatched socks jumbled into a pile, don't fret at the disarray; what you've really got on your hands is a man who has his life so together that he doesn't even have the time to organize his socks.
Kait Smith is an editor, writer, social media manager, higher education professional, and graduate student; the list goes on and on. Visit her website for more.