11 Things Brilliant People Refuse To Do Anymore
What brilliant people do differently from the rest.

Most people want to be seen as brilliant, but brilliance is much more than what others do. Instead, it's the stuff that they refuse to do as well that makes them brilliant.
From avoiding petty banter to setting clear-cut boundaries, brilliant people often refuse to do things that would perplex the average person.
That said, what can people learn from a brilliant person's lifestyle? Most importantly, what do brilliant people refuse to do that would send regular people into a coma?
11 things brilliant people refuse to do anymore:
1. Brilliant people refuse to say "yes" just to avoid disappointing others, prioritizing their own boundaries and authenticity.
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It's sad to say, but most Americans are total people pleasers. According to a 2022 survey published in YouGov, around 47% of Americans identify as people-pleasers.
That said, brilliant people aren't like the rest of society. Brilliant people refuse to say yes to avoid disappointing others.
Instead, they take the bull by the horns and tell the other person exactly how they feel. For instance, they'll say, "No, the situation doesn't work for me," to put the other person in their place and to keep their boundaries in check.
2. They no longer chase perfection, understanding that progress and growth matter more than unattainable ideals.
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It's becoming increasingly difficult to turn the other cheek in a world that demands perfection. A 2019 study shows perfectionism has increased over the past 30 years.
They continued by saying that the findings showed that recent generations perceive that others are more demanding of them and that they are more demanding of themselves.
Despite this, brilliant people refuse to chase perfection. They understand that this is a fruitless effort that will only result in burnout and depleting mental health.
So, then, what do they do instead? According to Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, perfectionists stem from anxiety and self-esteem issues. As a result, people who want to avoid it must first be aware of their distorted thoughts.
Next, 'dare to be average' for the next thirty days. If people want to go further, they can try making a list of the pros and cons of perfectionism. When people can convince themselves that perfection makes them less productive, it'll be much easier to stop engaging in those behaviors.
3. They refuse to ignore their own needs or sacrifice their well-being just to make others feel comfortable.
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People-pleasers believe they should ignore their needs to make others comfortable. They relinquish their cherished possessions or step outside their comfort zones. In truth, they want to be well-liked by others.
However, this type of behavior is bound to end in disaster. According to licensed counselor Myron Nelson LCPC, perfectionism ruins relationships as it's a misguided lie. Specifically, someone assumes they know what others want, causing them to lie or change their behavior to please others.
That said, brilliant people refuse to ignore their needs to please others. Now, call them 'selfish,' but they understand the mental exhaustion of catering to others. Because of this, they avoid ignoring their needs if it pushes their boundaries. Instead, they'll find ways to compromise or refuse altogether.
4. They don't tolerate one-sided friendships or relationships, valuing mutual effort and respect.
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One-sided friendships or relationships are heartbreaking. A 2020 study found that feeling unloved can lead to loneliness, leading people to believe that their lives lack significance.
Due to this, brilliant people refuse to entertain one-sided friendships or relationships. They understand how unfair and painful it is to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't feel the same way.
This is why most brilliant people will cut off friends, romantic partners, or even family members who don't pay them the time of day. Not only does it save them time, but it also reinforces the idea that their self-worth is more important than clinging to a dead-end relationship.
5. Brilliant individuals don’t allow their past mistakes or failures to hold them back from moving forward.
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Sometimes, reminiscing can leave someone feeling bittersweet. While some may be thankful for the experiences and great moments they created, others might feel upset with the lack of closure.
Unfortunately, handling these situations is never easy. Sure, people can ground themselves or go to therapy, but the mental strength to let go is up to each individual.
That said, brilliant people are impressive enough not to allow those bittersweet moments to keep them down. Instead, they process those emotions and refocus their mind on something more positive, which is essential. According to a study published in the European Journal of Ageing, negative reminiscing is linked to distress.
Knowing this, all people, even those who 'aren't brilliant' should try refocusing their minds. Not only will it prevent distress from occurring, but it'll also ensure that the past doesn't prevent them from living in the present.
6. They avoid overworking themselves, recognizing the importance of balance and mental health in achieving success.
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Most people would like to think they have a good work-life balance. However, is that ever really the case? Mental Health America reported that nearly 40% of workers reported working 50 hours or more a week, and 16% cited working 60 or more hours a week.
Despite this, brilliant people refuse to overwork themselves to 'look good' in front of their boss or family members. They understand that overworking themselves is increasingly likely to lead to burnout.
According to a 2020 study, not having a good work-life balance and overworking oneself typically leads to emotional exhaustion as their happiness plummets.
Knowing this, everyone should ensure they're getting the proper time to decompress. Otherwise, their mental health might take a turn for the worse.
7. They refuse to take responsibility for other people’s emotions, focusing instead on managing their own feelings.
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Most people have met one person who refuses to take accountability for their actions. Crossing their arms and shaking their head, they'll proudly claim, "It's none of my business."
Though this behavior is unacceptable, there are always exceptions to the rules, specifically regarding emotions.
One thing brilliant people refuse to do anymore is take responsibility for other people's emotions. According to Marianna Pogosyan, PhD, a cultural psychology lecturer, people are more in control of their feelings than they think.
She continued that emotions are processes that we can halt. Furthermore, bursts of emotion only last tens of seconds. Knowing this, they can technically control their outbursts if someone can take hold during that time frame.
Despite this, most will view brilliant people as selfish or inconsiderate for shutting the conversation down and saying, "That's on you." However, by doing this, brilliant people save themselves from the guilt and headaches associated with being falsely blamed by someone else.
8. They don't waste time explaining themselves to people who are unwilling to truly listen or understand.
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There will always be people in their lives who will not listen. Yet, this isn't all that shocking. Stubbornness and a fragile ego will make most people defensive when their 'reasonings' are wholly discredited.
This is probably why brilliant people refuse to explain themselves to people who won't listen. Arguing with someone committed to being right wastes time, and they can't continue a conversation when someone is irrational or emotional.
According to a study published in the Journal of Research and Personality, even feeling angry towards, let's say, a romantic partner can lead to destructive behaviors like hostility, complaining, rejection, and intimate partner violence.
This is why they refuse to explain themselves and walk away. In truth, they don't want to make the situation worse.
9. Brilliant people refuse to limit themselves to a single perspective, staying open to new ideas and growth opportunities.
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One thing brilliant people refuse to do anymore is limit their perspective. Brilliant people are bright because of their ability to shift perspectives.
Whether in a meeting or having a tense conversation with coworkers, brilliant people like to stay neutral and hear everyone’s perspective first. Then, they form their own opinion while considering the views of others.
Though this talent is helpful in the workforce, it isn’t all they use it for. Whether in a spat with their partner or at an awkward family gathering, these brilliant people use their talents to easily navigate tough situations.
10. They don't tolerate disrespect or manipulation, setting clear boundaries to protect their self-worth.
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When someone attacks others with disrespect, tears, and manipulation, it can be challenging to know what to do or even what to say. On one hand, people don’t want to feed into that negativity.
On the other hand, tolerating disrespect will only incentivize them further. However, unlike others, brilliant people don’t take minutes to figure out what to do. Thanks to that intelligent head of theirs, they’re quick on their feet and seemingly know what to say to get out of a bad situation.
However, if things persist and the other person doesn’t back off, brilliant people won’t hesitate to stop them right in their tracks.
With a firm look and a commanding “Stop it,” these individuals aren’t one to be messed with. They see right through people and can easily predict their intentions without the other person saying a word.
11. They refuse to avoid failure, viewing it as a stepping stone to success and an essential part of learning.
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Failure is an inevitable thing that most people go through. Yet, despite this, too many people whine about their failures and turn them into something negative, effectively avoiding the lessons that come with them.
Luckily, brilliant people aren’t like most people. Instead of retreating or curling into a ball, brilliant people take failure and turn it into something positive.
As a result, they learn from their past mistakes and find ways to improve next time. This isn’t just great for short-term success, though. It also builds resilience, leading to long-term success.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers topics such as self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology.