11 Signs Your Mind Works Faster Than The Average Person, According To Psychology
Your mind works at lightning-fast speed.

Being smart exists on a spectrum, and there are many different ways that people's intelligence shows up.
Some people are emotionally intelligent and maintain strong, close relationships. Other people are book-smart and learn new information as automatically as breathing.
While much of how the brain operates is a mystery, certain aspects of its functioning have been established through research and academic studies. Everyone's mind works at its own pace, just as everyone has their own way of thinking.
Here are 11 signs your mind works faster than the average person, according to psychology
1. You have a great memory
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The pace at which a person's brain works is called its processing speed. Processing speed can be defined as how your brain receives, comprehends, and responds to information. A research article described certain brain functions, like learning, thinking and remembering, as "seemingly intangible."
Your working memory refers to how well you retain information right after you learn it, and your long-term memory is how you recall that information after time has passed. If you have a fast mind, you can process information easily and quickly. You have no trouble understanding what's going on and you can make connections about the world around you easily, too.
Because your brain moves at a quick rate, your ability to consume and decipher information is higher than average, as is your ability to remember what you've learned.
2. You're a good listener
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When someone has a fast processing speed, they're often very intent listeners. They're able to tune into a conversation and catch every detail of what's being said. They can store the specifics of what's being said and easily recall the information at a later point in time.
Being a good listener requires more than just a fast-moving brain. It's dependent on having high emotional intelligence as well. That means you're not only hearing what's being said on a surface level, you're also making deeper connections and comprehending the meaning and intent behind what someone is saying.
3. You're very focused
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Psychologist Dr. Carly Bobal explained that processing speed is a direct measure of utilizing various cognitive skills while sustaining attention, speed, and accuracy of understanding for a certain period of time.
She noted that when children have high processing speed performance scores, it means they're able to hyper-focus on whatever task is at hand. If you're someone who tunes out the rest of the world when you're concentrating, it could be a sign that your mind works faster than the average person's.
4. You're good at taking tests
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Being a fast processor means you're able to recognize and integrate information in your given environment with ease. Having a solid grasp on whatever information you're faced with also means that you can think and learn more efficiently.
This mental feature often translates into being a skilled test-taker. If you're someone who can move through an exam or any other academic assignment at a fast pace, your brain is working fast, too.
5. You read a lot
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Settling in with a book is a great way to relax, though our brains are hard at work when we're reading.
The first part of reading is decoding, which means you see the letters on the page and figure out what sounds they make. The second step is comprehension, which is when you put the sounds together to make words and sentences. When a person has fast processing speed, they move through those steps quickly.
Having a fast-working mind not only means that you can read quickly, it also means you have a solid understanding of the concepts you're reading about. Being a voracious reader who's interested in many different topics is a sign that your brain is working at high speeds.
6. You pick up new skills easily
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Another aspect of having a fast mind is your ability to learn new things at a fast pace.
As Dr. Bobal noted, kids who have high processing speeds are good at processing information quickly and even automatically. This is especially true with what are called rote tasks, which are habitual skills like reciting multiplication tables or listing off vocabulary words in a foreign language.
Being able to master new activities and understand new concepts efficiently shows that your brain is working faster than average.
7. You have intelligent relatives
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As part of a brain-imaging study, UCLA neurology professor Paul Thompson found evidence that the genes people inherit have a larger role on intelligence than was believed in the past.
Thompson and his colleagues scanned the brains of 92 study participants, who were all twins. The study showed that someone's level of intelligence is influenced by their brain's axons, the wiring responsible for sending signals, which are influenced by the genes they carry.
The faster a person's brain sends signals, the faster their brain processes information. Since genes determine how fast our brains work, it shows that intelligence is largely inherited. If you're lucky enough to come from a family of smart, thoughtful people whose brains process information quickly, it's more likely that your brain operates at a fast pace, too.
8. You're good at math
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Having a quick-moving mind can make you very good at math. Your fast processing speed allows you to easily identify numbers, operations, and symbols.
Once you have those figured out, you move through the steps of solving the math problem easily. Being good at math is highly prioritized in schools, which means you most likely get good grades and excel academically.
9. You exercise often
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A UCLA research study discovered a correlation between moving our bodies and brain health, especially for older people. Walking more than 4,000 steps a day can improve the attention span and mental skills in adults over the age of 60 years old.
The study measured brain volume and thickness to determine health. Researchers found that people who walked more had a thicker hippocampus, which is part of the brain that is responsible for memory. The thickness in that area correlated to better cognitive function.
The outcome of the study showed that the benefits of exercise go beyond our physical health. The more you walk, the sharper your mind is, even as you get older.
10. You solve problems quickly
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Dr. Thompson's brain-scan study revealed a clear connection between a person's brain speed and their level of intelligence, which is connected to how easily they solve problems and make decisions.
"When you say someone is quick-thinking, it's genuinely true," Dr. Thompson explained. "The impulses are going faster and they are just more efficient at processing information, and then making a decision based on it."
A separate neuroscience study found that having a high IQ makes you faster at solving simple problems, but slower at solving complex problems. While smarter study participants took more time to answer complicated questions, the results showed that they made fewer mistakes once they were done.
If you're someone who can make your way through simple tasks quickly, yet take your time when things get a little more difficult, it could be a sign that your mind is faster than average.
11. You have a vivid imagination
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Some people might think that daydreaming is a waste of time, but it's actually a sign that your brain is incredibly active. Making connections easily is a sign your mind is working fast, and using your imagination is another way for those connections to play out.
You might find yourself staring into space while your mind drifts, but that just signifies that your mind is quick and creative.
Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers social issues, pop culture analysis and all things to do with the entertainment industry.