8 Signs Someone In Your Life Is Emotionally Breaking Down
Keep an eye out for these very concerning warning signs.

We all have someone in our life we hold dear, whether it's friends, family members, or even co-workers. These people have supported us through thick and thin, and seeing them go through a hard time before our very eyes is heartbreaking.
What can we do to help our loved ones? Most importantly, what signs should we look out for when it comes to their mental health?
Here are 8 signs someone in your life is emotionally breaking down
1. Their sleep patterns are a mess
Gladskikh Tatiana | Shutterstock
Experts say that sleep is the most important thing for your body. This is why it can feel downright frightening when someone you care about isn't getting enough of it.
According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, experts recommend 7-9 hours of sleep a night for adults. Additionally, "Adults who sleep less than 7 hours a night may have more health issues than those who sleep 7 or more hours a night."
If someone you know isn't getting enough rest, that's a huge problem likely caused by anxiety and other mental health disorders. The Mental Health Foundation writes, "Anxiety can cause your thoughts to race, which can make it hard to sleep." So, if you're worried about their health, try getting them a journal to log their thoughts, or encourage them to seek a professional opinion.
2. They can't concentrate
Evgeny Atamanenko | Shutterstock
Snapping your fingers in someone's face after having to repeat yourself is frustrating, as you simply want them to pay attention. But if someone you know is having a hard time concentrating, it might be out of their control and could be a sign they're emotionally breaking down.
Difficulty concentrating is the most common criteria used for diagnosing emotional disorders. So, if someone you know falls into this category, what should we do? Licensed clinical social worker Jennifer Gerlach writes that self-reflection is key.
She encourages us to ask the following questions: Is there a need to be met? Do you need to be anywhere (are you neglecting your relationships to focus on your goals)? Does what you're doing still matter to you? Because, if your loved one can understand the why, it'll be much easier to find a solution.
3. They've been neglecting their hygiene
Yan Krukau | Pexels
Understandably, talking about hygiene is a sensitive topic, and if you're not careful with it you can easily offend someone without meaning to. But if your loved one is neglecting their hygiene, it's a big sign of an emotional breakdown.
Research has found that "poor personal hygiene is known to be a feature of certain psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia and depression." So, it's up to you to suggest a little self-care. Maybe offer to try face masks together or surprise them with a self-care kit. Encourage them to seek professional help and to vent their emotions to you.
Registered nurse Ivory Smith Causey also recommends attaching bathing to the beginning and end of the work week, and to use bathing wipes if showering gets to be too much. But, if you're too scared to set them off, take them out shopping instead. Adds Causey, "If possible, splurge on quality soaps and shampoos. This act of self-care can be fun and make for a more pleasant showering experience."
4. Their eating patterns are concerning
Estrada Anton | Pexels
Food is essential to our daily functioning. So, it's concerning when someone you know has horrible eating patterns. Maybe they binge-eat a lot or maybe they barely eat at all. Regardless, not having a consistent eating schedule is a huge sign someone is emotionally breaking down.
According to research, "Dietary patterns and poor health behaviors were associated with depressive disorders and anxiety," and better eating patterns are associated with improved mental health.
With that being said, we can give our loved ones the special push they need by offering to drop off leftovers and challenging each other. Do cooking competitions where you cook fun healthy meals from scratch. You can even cook together through FaceTime, or eat alongside one another.
5. They complain about their health
fizkes | Shutterstock
Do you have someone in your life who complains about strange aches in their body? Believe it or not, they're not alone. People who have emotional disorders can experience physical symptoms like tingling or constant headaches.
According to studies, our mental health can directly and indirectly affect our health, saying that "stress can lead to decreased immune functioning." This, in turn, can lead to an increased risk of viral infections. Research also notes that people with mental health disorders are more likely to engage in risky behavior, which can lead to worsening health later down the road.
Gently remind your loved one how essential it is to stay on top of their physical health. After all, health is wealth.
6. They're losing interest in things they once enjoyed
Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels
When someone you know loses interest in activities they once enjoyed doing, this should raise some alarm bells. It might be that they're no longer interested in those hobbies, but it could also be a sign they are breaking down emotionally.
If they're losing interest in literally everything, seek help immediately. You cannot give a proper diagnosis, and they might even begin struggling with basic responsibilities. So, it's essential to encourage them to seek professional mental health immediately.
7. They have unpredictable mood swings
PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock
One minute they're happy and the next minute they're not, and may be experiencing drastic mood swings. And it's a huge indicator that they are mentally unwell.
According to research, although mood instability is common, it can also point to psychiatric disorders. Again, it's best to get them the professional help they need. Because, unfortunately, there's not much you can do besides encourage meditation, breaks, and deep breathing exercises.
8. They feel hopeless
gpointstudio | Shutterstock
If you want to know if someone is emotionally breaking down, ask yourself this question: Have they expressed hopelessness? Have they told you that they feel despair or are unmotivated? Do they feel like life means nothing or that there's no future?
They may potentially have a mood disorder. And, combined with the feeling of hopelessness, this state of mind is serious. One study found that hopelessness increased loneliness, depression, and dangerous thoughts.
If your loved one is going through this, be positive around them. Don't bring their mood down further or dump all your problems on them. Instead, encourage them to get back up when they begin to feel hopeless. Moreover, encourage them to seek professional help and be considerate when you can. Remember, small actions go a long way.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.