The Image You See First In This Visual Test Reveals The Secret Trait That Ruins Your Relationships
Your extroverted ways may be causing trouble.

There are two types of people in this world: introverts and extroverts.
You probably already know this, but just so that we're all on the same page, an introvert is a person who derives a sense of personal power and energy from spending time on their own. They find social interaction draining and at some times, even overwhelming.
Meanwhile, an extrovert is a person who requires lots of social interaction to achieve the same effects that an introvert gets from their time alone.
No one way of being is right or wrong, but unless you know which one happens to apply to you, it can make your life very difficult, particularly when it comes to dealing with other people, from family to friends to even lovers.
But the best way to find out where you stand is by taking a personality test or personality quiz. That way, you can discover if you actually have extrovert personality traits.
Take this personality test to determine the secret traits that could be ruining your relationships.
People usually figure out pretty quickly which category they fall into, but whether you're introverted or extroverted, you might have extroverted personality traits that are ruining your relationships.
To find out what those traits might be, just take this free personality test. It's simple: look at the optical illusion image and pay close attention to the first thing that catches your eye. Then, scroll down and read about how what you saw first reveals which secret personality trait could be putting your relationships on the line.
Photo: Oleg Shupliak
1. If you saw the bird
If you saw the bird first, the secret extrovert personality trait that's ruining your love life is your passion for group outings.
You love your friends, but you don't always have enough time for the one-on-one meetings with them that you'd like to have, so you tend to get everyone together in a big group whenever you can.
That's all well and good, but it can leave your partner feeling neglected. Make sure that in your efforts to make your friends feel special, you don't make your partner feel taken for granted.
2. If you saw the Mona Lisa
If you saw the Mona Lisa first, the secret extrovert personality trait that's ruining your love life is your passion for being the center of attention.
You might not think of yourself as being a "ham," but the truth is that you're a natural performer. You can't help it — people are drawn to you and love to hear you tell stories.
The whole world might be a stage, but if you're always "on," you'll miss out on the opportunity to really connect with the people who matter most, so be careful.
3. If you saw the boat
If you saw the boat first, the secret extrovert personality trait that's ruining your love life is your love of big adventures.
You might need alone time to recharge, but if it weren't for travel, adventures, and taking big risks, you just wouldn't be you. You're constantly on the hunt for your next big adrenaline fix.
That's good, but try to be mindful of how invested your partner is in these antics. Make sure your balance the time you spend with them with the time you spend chasing that next rush.
Rebecca Jane Stokes is an editor, freelance writer, former Senior Staff Writer for YourTango, and the former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek. Her bylines have appeared in Fatherly, Gizmodo, Yahoo Life, Jezebel, Apartment Therapy, Bustle, Cosmopolitan, SheKnows, and many others.