8 Rare Traits Of A Person Who Has A Truly Beautiful Soul
Their inner light improves the lives of everyone they meet.

We've all met at least one person who shines bright and has a smile that lights up the world around them.
In the past, we may have chalked it up to them simply being beautiful or a positive person, but people like this shine bright because of their soul. And once you recognize a few specific traits, you'll see why they are essential to have in your life.
Here are 8 rare traits of a person who has a truly beautiful soul
1. They forgive others, even when they don't deserve it
Liza Summer | Pexels
People with beautiful souls don't hold grudges; it's just not in their nature. Instead of being cold and closed off towards those who did them wrong, they forgive. And forgiveness isn't easy.
Depending on what the other person did, it might even seem nearly impossible. Yet, as they say, forgiveness isn't for the other person, it's for yourself.
Research indicates that forgiveness positively affects both physical and mental health, leading to less anger rumination, and improved self-esteem and hopefulness for the future. Beautiful souls understand the weight of harboring resentment, so they avoid it altogether.
2. They're compassionate
Trinity Kubassek | Pexels
When talking about beautiful souls, we can't help but mention how compassionate they are. Their compassion is contagious, infecting everyone around them. And being compassionate isn't always easy; when dealing with a mean or disrespectful person, it's difficult to want to stay kind.
But the best thing about having a truly beautiful soul is the ability to look within. That's why these individuals are always understanding and empathetic, no matter what.
Though it might seem silly to some, they get the last laugh, as studies have found that empathetic people are kinder and have higher levels of overall happiness.
3. They go out of their way to be kind to strangers
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It should come as no surprise that beautiful souls have tender hearts. Overflowing with kindness and joy, their gentleness is used to uplift those around them.
And while we all have bad days, unlike most people, kind-hearted individuals don't allow those days to dictate how they treat others. They keep things consistent, no matter what storm they face.
And staying kind benefits them in the end, with one study determining that kindness alleviates depression, and another concluding that kindness increases happiness.
4. They're humble
Vlada Karpovich | Pexels
Humbleness and humility are incredible traits to have, but are often mistaken as weakness, due to their reserved nature. However, there's nothing more beautiful than a person who keeps it classy. Because nobody likes a bragger, especially a bragger who tries to play it humble.
According to research, people who humbly brag about themselves are actually disliked more than those who just brag outright. As for humility, there are benefits for those with beautiful souls.
One study found that humble people tend to have greater social bonds with those around them. And another study said that humble people also have greater self-esteem in crisis because they're more likely to remain positive. It shows that a little humbleness goes a long way in the grand scheme of things.
5. They never give up, even when it's hard
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People with a beautiful soul have a fierce spirit. And part of that fierce spirit is their inability to give up, no matter what. For some, they might take this as being stubborn or difficult, but those traits are the exact reason why they shine so bright.
Their ability to bounce back from difficult situations is both admirable and praiseworthy. Not only does it fuel their heart, but it also gives them the courage to keep going. They use this mindset to inspire others and be more empathetic. According to research, people who have gone through the most tend to be more empathetic, and beautiful people like this use it to their advantage.
6. They accept their own flaws
Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels
We all have flaws that we don't want to admit to. Maybe we're too harsh or maybe we're inconsiderate of others. Yet, people who have beautiful souls do something that others refuse to do: they own up to it.
They understand that flaws are inevitable and that we all make mistakes. Instead of taking it personally, they choose to work through those flaws and come out stronger. Research also suggests that when we see ourselves for who we truly are, we are more confident and creative. Additionally, doing this allows us to make better decisions, as well as build stronger relationships by becoming more self-aware.
7. They're the first to celebrate another's success
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To find out if someone has a beautiful soul, just look at their reaction to other people's success. Do they make passive-aggressive comments or do they genuinely feel happy?
People who have beautiful souls don't feel intimidated by other people's success, because they're happy and secure within themselves. Instead of throwing shade, they choose to uplift those moments and celebrate them with genuine enthusiasm.
As for those who react negatively to another person's success, there are downsides. People with low self-esteem tend to be jealous and insecure, as opposed to people with beautiful souls who lift others up and are genuinely happy for them.
8. They're selfless
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Through their kindness and consideration, they earn the respect and praise of those around them, and rightfully so. Whether we want to admit it or not, selflessness is necessary, especially when in a relationship.
As psychologist Bernard Golden, Ph.D. says, things like compromising are an absolute must for conflict resolution. So, those who are selfless compromise without throwing a fuss, and it makes them truly beautiful inside and out.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.