100 Best Organizing Tips & Ideas To Tidy Your Home In Minutes
Tidiness doesn't have to be hard.

All of us want, in our heart of hearts, to have an organized home. Sometimes you wonder where to start and how long it takes.
There are thousands of organizing tips and ideas out there to choose from, so which are the easiest ones to implement? After all, you want your home to be organized and easy to maintain, all so you can spend less time taking care of your home and more time living your life.
There are certain tried and true organizing tips to follow to get every part of your home organized quickly.
When you assign a home to all your belongings, putting them away is quick and easy. The problem happens when you don’t know where to put your things, and they start piling up around your home.
The best way to organize your home is to find a way that works best for you. Every person is different and has a way of doing things. The way your best friend organizes their house may not work for you.
When you tweak organizing strategies to fit you and your personality, the organizing sticks. The trick is to find the way that works best for you and to make organizing fun!
Here are 100 of the all-time best quick organizational tips and ideas.
Getting Started
1. Have a place for everything, and put everything in its place.
This means when you take something out, put it back when you're finished with it. Don't leave it lying around. It doesn't belong there.
2. Have nothing in your home you don't need or want.
“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” That's advice from William Morris, a late 19th-century English craftsman that's still quite relevant to this day.
3. 'Later' is not a time.
When you say you’re going to do something, assign a day and time to it. Then it will happen. When you say, "I’ll do it later," you’re giving yourself permission not to do it. Beware of this.
4. Beware of doing 'one more' thing.
People sometimes want to do one more "quick" thing before they leave the house, and then they're late. Don’t do it! Make a note of the task and leave.
5. Focus on what's important.
Ask yourself: What is the best use of my time right now? Then do the thing that is most important to you.
6. Set priorities each day.
Even if it's just one small area to clean or organize. Setting a priority can give you the motivation to accomplish this goal, no matter how small or big it is. It gives you purpose for the day.
7. Keep it simple.
Don't go overboard and wear yourself out. Start small then escalate. You don't want to make yourself hate cleaning because you went too far at first.
8. Listen to yourself.
Resist the urge to organize your home the way your best friend does; it may not work as well for you. Find what works best for your mind and your routine, then organize it as such.
9. Consider your lifestyle.
As you work to get better organized, consider your good habits and routines. Organize your home to benefit from what you already do. This way there isn't much change happening to your routine.
10. Sort like with like.
Group things by category. It makes them easier to find. This applies to almost everything in your home. In your closet, sort your clothes so that you have pants together, tops together, and so on.
11. Practice 'one in, one out.'
Before you bring something new into your home, decide what you will let go of. If you buy a new mug, throw or donate a mug you already have. This helps to not become cluttered.
12. Close the loop.
Certain tasks have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Close the loop and see the task through to the end before saying it’s done. Laundry, for example, is done when the clean clothes are put away, not when they come out of the dryer.
13. Do a sweep at the end of every day.
Tidy the communal living spaces at the end of the day before bed. This allows you to start the day in a clean home giving you a better mindset first thing in the morning.
14. Schedule time to deliver items to where they belong.
Once per day, be it at the end of the day or during lunch, put things back that collect in one area.
Kitchen and Pantry Organizing Tips
15. Use vertical space.
Make use of vertical space in closets with stacking drawers, bins, or hanging canvas shelves. In the kitchen, store trays, platters, baking sheets, and tins on their sides.
16. Keep things near where you use them.
In the kitchen, keep potholders near the oven. Mugs near the coffee. Cooking utensils near the stove.
17. Put things you rarely use in harder-to-reach places.
Only use that crockpot during the winter? Store it in the back behind your more-used pots or on the top shelf that is hard to reach.
18. Organize your pantry shelves like they're at the grocery store.
Keep oils and vinegar together, baking supplies together, cereals, snack bars, and so on. This will make things easier to find as well as pleasant to look at.
19. Plan your meals.
This way, you'll know exactly what food you need and won't buy excess. Keep a list on the fridge of things you will need on your next grocery run.
20. Use what you have first.
Shop from your pantry and freezer before going to the grocery store. Always check your cabinets and pantry before making the grocery list.
21. Use the kitchen cabinet doors as storage places.
Install organizers for plastic wrap, tin foil, or pot lids on the inside of kitchen cabinet doors. This expands your use of space, allowing you to store more.
22. Use shelf risers.
Put these in your bathroom and kitchen to make use of vertical space inside a cabinet. They are great for plates and glasses.
23. Install hooks for mugs.
This will use vertical space and give you more room for your coffee cups. It also pleasantly puts them on display.
24. Keep small kitchen appliances in a cupboard.
If you don’t use them frequently, put them away, instead of leaving them on the kitchen counter. This keeps your counters clean and uncluttered.
25. 'Containerize' condiments in your refrigerator.
This keeps them together and minimizes the mess from spills. It also allows you to see what you have faster.
26. 'Containerize' snacks.
And keep them where your children can reach them. This saves time and you can tell when you are low on something.
27. Put dry soup and seasonings in a bin in the pantry.
This way there's only one spot to look for them. This helps save time and frustration.
28. Label your containers.
This way, your family knows where to look for things or if you're out. You aren't the only one who lives there, so labeling where stuff is makes sure you aren't constantly being asked where it is.
29. Label shelves in the pantry.
This method makes putting the groceries away a breeze. Again, you won't have your spouse asking you where something goes.
30. Sort through your recipes.
Decide if you need to keep all of them. Hint: you probably don't.
31. Remove duplicate cooking utensils.
Donate the ones you don’t need. For example, you don't need five straining spoons, so pick the one you like the best and get rid of the rest.
32. Evaluate your dishes and glassware.
Donate or toss anything chipped or stained. Don't keep more than you need.
33. Sort your plasticware.
Match up the pieces and toss or recycle any that are warped, stained, or don’t match. You don't need them all in your home.
34. Sort your travel mugs and water bottles.
Again, match up the pieces and toss or recycle any that don’t have a mate. If they are broken, cracked, or stained, toss them.
35. Use an over-the-door shoe holder.
Store your travel mugs and water bottles in an over-the-door clear pocket shoe holder if you have a pantry. It makes it easier to find the one you're looking for.
36. Evaluate your vases.
Get rid of those you don't use or that you have too many of. You don't need 17 vases!
37. Empty the dish rack once a day.
This allows dirty dishes to go in there and not the dishwasher. It saves money on the water bill.
38. Clear the sink and counter of dirty dishes once a day.
Don't let them pile up, because it might overwhelm you. This will cause you to keep putting the task off. If it's cleared out once a day, the pile will never get too big.
39. Set up a command center in the kitchen.
Do this with a dry-erase board for messages and maybe a family calendar. It allows you to effectively track everything.
Foyer Organizing Tips
40. Use a key holder.
Where you enter the house, make a designated spot to hold your keys. This way you will never be running around trying to find your keys, causing you to be late.
41. Put a waterproof tray on the floor near your entry.
Keep shoes and boots from tracking dirt into your home. You don't want to be cleaning up dirt and mud every time you go out.
42. Put your recycling bin near where you bring in your mail.
That's in an easy-to-reach place. This allows you to immediately toss out mail you don't need or want.
43. Recycle mail you don't want.
You bring it into the house then toss them in the bin. You're also helping the environment, so that's a bonus!
44. Assign specific places for your keys, phone, and wallet.
Both in your bag and when they're out in the house. You'll never be looking for them again.
Closet Organizing Tips
45. Use door space for winter clothes.
Use an over-the-door pocket holder in your coat closet to hold hats, scarves, and gloves. It saves space.
46. Put a small trash can on the floor of your closet.
To hold umbrellas or canes. It keeps them off the floor.
47. Put reusable totes on the shelf.
Organize the shelf in the coat closet to hold tote bags. This gets them off the floor and makes it easier to find what you want.
48. Sort your shoes and gloves.
Donate those without a match. There may be a person who needs just one shoe or one glove.
49. Use slim hangers.
This saves space in your closet. We all need extra space in there!
50. Remove wire hangers.
See if your dry cleaner can use them. Donate or recycle wire hangers since they cause rips to your clothing.
51. Keep a donate bag in your closet.
This is for clothes that are too big, too small, or that you don’t like. The bag helps to keep your closet from getting too cluttered.
52. Remove out-of-season clothing.
Put it away or donate it. You won't be using it, so why have it taking up space?
53. Put shoes you only wear on special occasions in clear boxes.
Stack them on the shelf above the clothing. It not only gets them off the floor, but it protects your shoes.
54. Have hooks on the closet door.
For your child’s backpack, your purse, and other items. Hang them up and save space.
Living Area Organizing Tips
55. Keep loose DVDs in a binder.
No case? No problem. Grab a binder from your local store and place the disks in it.
56. Use a tray to hold the remotes.
Just make sure they go back when you're done. It stops you from rummaging around trying to find it.
57. Regularly sort through the magazines.
Recycle them! We know you don't read a magazine more than once.
58. Create a 'homeless container.'
For the things you collect in the family room that belong in other rooms, this can be a cute basket or an ottoman. Put the object that doesn't belong in that room into the bin, and put everything away at one time.
Bedroom Organizing Tips
59. Use under-bed storage boxes.
To store out-of-season clothing, shoes, and more. This way you can make more use of the space.
60. Store sets of sheets in a pillowcase.
Easy access, and there's no need to buy containers.
61. Make your bed every day.
It only takes a few minutes. It also has been proven to help your mental health.
62. Hang up or put away clothes that don’t need to be washed after you’ve worn them.
If they're reusable, put them away. Don't throw them on the floor.
63. Put the laundry into a hamper.
In the hamper, not on the floor.
64. Remember that the floor is not an option for clothes.
Seriously. Put them up or in a basket. Think of the floor as lava.
65. Have a small tray to hold jewelry.
On your dresser or bathroom counter. It stops it from becoming a mess.
66. Sort the jewelry in the small tray.
Simplify it. It also makes things easier to find.
67. Match up your earrings.
Straighten necklaces and put your jewelry away. It protects your jewelry, making it last longer. If you've lost an earring, throw the other out.
68. Limit the number of books and magazines on your bedside table.
What you're reading currently should be fine! But don't stack 6 or 7 books on it.
Bathroom Organizing Tips
69. Roll towels instead of folding them.
To save space in the linen closet, rolling is better. It also makes a nice aesthetic.
70. Use a tray to corral small jars on your vanity.
This keeps them from moving. It also helps the vanity from getting cluttered.
71. Limit the number of soaps.
And shampoos, conditioners, and other cleansers in the shower or tub. You only need one of each, maybe two, but stop keeping 8 bottles in the place.
72. Store anti-bacterial wipes under the bathroom sink.
For quick clean-ups. It also keeps them away from kids.
73. Store extra tissue and toilet paper under the bathroom sink.
This saves space in your closet or pantry. It's also a great way to use up space you normally wouldn't use.
74. Regularly sort through makeup.
Toss any you don’t like or that's expired. It stops your makeup collection from taking over your bathroom.
Play Area Organizing Tips
75. Create a school supply caddy.
Your child will have the school supplies they need at their fingertips, no matter where they do their schoolwork. Keep crayons, calculators, and everything they need at their fingertips.
76. Create a missing piece container.
For puzzle pieces, game pieces, LEGO, and toy-related accessories. Show them where they can put the missing pieces so they can help you.
77. Label toy boxes with a picture of the contents.
To make picking up easy for everyone, as well as making it easier for your children to know where everything is.
78. Reduce the number of games and toys out.
Put other toys away out of sight. If you aren't using it, put it away.
79. Swap games and toys in and out.
Keep children engaged by reducing the number of choices. If they no longer play with it, donate it.
80. Sort through artwork and school papers with your child.
Once a month or so, go through school items and decide what to keep. Incorporate your child so they don't feel bad about it.
Office Organizing Tips
81. Use a tray or a basket to hold mail.
Then, go through it at least once a week and handle it or put it away. Everything in one place is great.
82. Assign a verb to papers.
"Read," "Pay," "File," or "Do." This will help you organize your mail and paperwork and keep you more productive.
83. Use a slim desktop file holder.
As a temporary holding spot for papers, so they don’t pile up and overwhelm you. This folder should never get super thick. Be sure to go through it once a month.
84. Plan a time to follow up with the processed papers.
Don't let it build up. Pick a time each week to deal with your papers.
85. Tidy your desk at the end of every workday.
Make sure your workspace doesn't get cluttered. It will feel so much better!
86. Schedule time to evaluate the papers in your file cabinet.
Evaluate what you’re keeping annually. It should be important documents like taxes, certificates, and so on.
87. Have a dedicated tax file.
Put any tax-related paper into this file so you don’t need to search for them. It makes doing your taxes every year much easier.
88. Organize your computer files.
It's not just tangible documents you should go through — your digital ones should be taken care of as well. Because those get out of hand, too.
89. Evaluate the documents you keep in computer files.
Delete downloads you don’t need. File the ones you do. Simple.
90. Evaluate your phone's contacts.
Delete any obsolete apps, photos, videos, or anything else you don’t need. It helps save your phone battery and storage.
91. Clean your phone and computer keyboard regularly.
Once a week is good. This destroys any germs that may have collected on them.
92. Regularly sort your email.
Sort your email so it doesn't get out of hand. That can become overwhelming, so take it slow.
93. Delete any old, unnecessary messages.
You don't need them. Organize your passwords, too.
94. Look through old mail folders.
Delete anything obsolete. This way it doesn't pile up.
95. Look through old document folders.
Delete anything obsolete. You don't want a pile forming.
96. Keep your purse organized.
Toss the trash, and put money and credit cards away. This way your purse won't become a complete mess.
Vehicle Organizing Tips
97. Sort the contents of the glove compartment.
Shred any old car registration documents or old insurance cards. Check to verify the current car registration and insurance are in the glove compartment.
98. Keep necessary health items in your car.
This includes tissues, masks, hand sanitizer, and a small trash can.
99. Keep reusable bags in the trunk.
Whenever you need to shop, you've got an alternative to plastic. Save the planet and your money.
100. Keep coupons in the car.
Check before you shop. Clean your coupons out once a month or so.
Diane N. Quintana is a Certified Professional Organizer®, a Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization®, and Master Trainer and owner of DNQ Solutions, LLC and co-owner of Release●Repurpose●Reorganize, LLC in Atlanta, Georgia.