The Image You See First In This Visual Test Reveals What Stops You From Finding Lasting Love

What it is about you that could be holding you back from love?

visual personality test what prevents you from finding lasting love

Personality tests can tell us an awful lot about ourselves, even when it comes to how we deal with relationships and loving another person.

Growing up, we all have an idea about how love and romance are supposed to go. We think that we will have a few serious relationships, a few heartbreaks, and then eventually we'll find that one person we want to spend the rest of our lives with.

But the truth of the matter is that love isn't always that simple. While it might seem like the most straightforward thing, there's a lot that can go wrong when it comes to making a relationship last — even if the two of you are absolutely perfect for each other.


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Sometimes, the things that can keep you from lasting love are personality traits of your own. If you think that something about your personality is keeping you from finding relationships that last, you're in the right place!

This simple visual personality test was designed to help you quickly identify what stops you from finding lasting love.

Just look at the image below while paying close attention to the first part of the image that catches your eye. The part of the image you notice first reveals the personality trait that could be keeping you from getting the commitment you crave.


what stops you from finding lasting love testPhoto: Oleg Shupliak

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1. If you saw the bearded man

If you saw the bearded man first, your past experiences in relationships are keeping you from lasting love.

You view every single relationship that you've experienced as a learning opportunity that has enabled you to grow. While some of that is true, you often hold onto "lessons" that are just scar tissue keeping you from taking the risks that true love allows.


In order to find love, you must greet it with open arms, not be closed off from it, and let go of the past to truly allow yourself to fall for someone new and show vulnerability.

2. If you saw the two birds

If you saw the two birds first, your unreasonable expectations are the things that are keeping you from a love that goes the distance.

It's good to have traits that you look for in a potential partner, it's nice to be picky, but you've got to be careful. If you hold out for a dream like the one in your head you could overlook the chance to have a real relationship — moles, warts and all!

The person you fall in love with may not be at all like the person you have imagined, and that is OK. Open yourself up to new people and new experiences that may develop into true love — or at least a solid friendship that you would have missed out on if you shut yourself off.


3. If you saw the mountains

If you saw the mountains first, your emotional distance is the part of you that is keeping you from finding a long-lasting romantic relationship.

You want to get close to someone, and what's more, you know that getting emotionally close is critical if you want to really connect, but you've been hurt so badly in the past that you can't help yourself. Nobody said this would be easy, even if it were meant to be.

Take your time if you must go at your own pace, but accept that true love means laying yourself bare (emotionally and physically) to the other. It's time to be vulnerable and let someone in — that is what truly makes you (and them!) fall in love.


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Rebecca Jane Stokes is a freelance writer, editor, former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek, and former Senior Staff Writer for YourTango. She has a passion for lifestyle, geek news, and true crime topics. Her bylines have appeared on Fatherly, Bustle, SheKnows, Jezebel, and many others.